One of the resolutions up for consideration at General Convention in July is endorsement of the Earth Charter together with the development of “action steps for diocese, churches and individuals to implement its principles locally, nationally and internationally.”
The Earth Charter is a declaration of fundamental principles for building a just, sustainable and peaceful global society in the 21st century. Following the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, it was drafted over a multi-year period by an international drafting committee that engaged literally thousands of ordinary people and hundreds of local and international organizations. It was formally launched in June 2000 and has since received formal endorsements by thousands of groups worldwide.
Read it all and follow the link to the full text of the charter.
Another human endeavor doomed to failure. The only way to true peace is through Jesus. Anybody think that TEC will have the guts to proclaim that?
GC should definitely not endorse the Earth Charter.
Instead, perhaps the house of bishops could give up flying or eating meat. Those would be more suitable examples of real sacrifice that help the planet.
Peaceful global society? If that includes condemning the violence against the unborn by rabid genital worshipers and abortionists then please adopt it. If it’s about hugging the earth and continuing to murder the unborn it will assuage affluent guilt and that’s all.
!. NO!
The Earth Charter is an artfully arranged collection of warm- and fuzzy-sounding platitudes into which are embedded [i]progressive Newspeak[/i] utterances that are, in the most charitable manner I can phrase it, Αβσολυτε ΚÏαπ[b]![/b] What vile Orwellian twaddle—the [i]progressive[/i] loon left, of which the Episcopal church seems to have more than its fair share, strikes again.
Blessings and regards,
Keith Toepfer
I see, we can endorse the “earth charter” but not the Anglican Covenant.
I guess one requires us to change rather than just talking about change.
Phil Snyder
That’s the whole point, Phil. No one really expects TEC’s support or opposition to have any effect at all on the charter, much less on the Earth. It’s the perfect, feel-good thing to do and also burnishes one’s wooly bona fides without having to raise a finger.
As PJ O’Rourke once wrote, everyone wants to save the world, no one wants to help mom with the dishes.
I prefer the Christian adage:
“We all want to serve God – most want to do it in an advisory capacity.”
Phil Snyder
Consider that shamelessly stolen 😉