Ed Jones: Keeping the faith for church to reconcile

Call me naive, but I see another opportunity in Anaheim for our church to be a positive witness to the world–a model of how passionate believers can champion their causes and still remain committed to the foundational beliefs that unite them.

That’s another way of saying that the Episcopal Church, and other religious bodies, need to be able to discuss divisive issues in ways that go beyond the ol’ winners-and-losers model.

There’s little chance that a bolt of lightning will convince liberals and conservatives that their differences have evaporated. But with patience and humility, we as a church can still learn a lot from each other–if we stay at the common table.

There are some who say we’ve been listening too long, that’s it’s time for up-or-down votes on whether the Episcopal Church should allow more gay bishops or should officially bless same-sex relationships.

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Episcopal Church (TEC), General Convention, TEC Conflicts

7 comments on “Ed Jones: Keeping the faith for church to reconcile

  1. Londoner says:

    Weak logic…… if someone wanted to justify their stealing but still be clergy in the AC, would we spend years and years “listening” to their ideas about why it is good and holy to steal? Are we to listen until views are “reconciled” or until there is a clear majority view about what is and what is not compatible with scripture? The majority has been clear on what it thinks is compatible and incompatible with scripture since 2003….. time for the vast majority that can (this year) sign the Ridley draft to do so and for the majority to move together. If TECUSA does not want to join, that is its right……. but holding the AC hostage for years to debate what has been debated endlessly already is not the way forward…. it is a ploy to let revisionism gain “an inch at a time”. Hope fewer evangelicals are fooled than in the past.

  2. Larry Morse says:

    “Differences have evaporated…? Who can he possibly think he’s is kidding. “Exacerbated” comes closer to reality. But we havve beeen hearing this “…everything is going to be ok…” from the TEC Left for years. Or is his point, in fact, that we have lost the ssm marriage business so we no longer have anything to disagree over. In short, we’ve won and you’ve lost, so get over it. Right. Larry

  3. dwstroudmd+ says:

    Naivete and is not far from stupidity in this case. Having forced out the possibility of any conversation in which a real exchange of views that differ can be even held – see the actions of the Committees on Resolutions at the last GC 2006 – to proclaim AHEAD of this years liberals actions as a result of the exchange of views is giving away the Stalinist programmatics. It’ll all be very N.I.C.E.-like and the undoubtedly the “assured results of consensus with no winners and losers” – leaving out the lawsuits. And, all praise to the Press Corp, it will be an absolute luv fest between the ABC and the delegates.

  4. Id rather not say says:

    OK, you’re naive.

  5. RalphM says:

    That the DioVA continues to call its publication “Center Aisle” is naivete in itself (or perhaps intentional obfuscation for those still in the pews).
    “That’s another way of saying that the Episcopal Church, and other religious bodies, need to be able to discuss divisive issues in ways that go beyond the ol’ winners-and-losers model” Oh really? DioVA is home to more litigation than any other diocese in TEC. That seems like a “winners and losers model” to me.
    Sorry Mr. Jones, 11 churches didn’t leave because of +Robinson. They had been protesting the unbiblical drift of the Diocese for many years before GC2003. Conservatives had been shut out of committees, their resolutions ignored, their very presence derided. Support for +Gene was just the official seal on the proclamation that traditional Episcopalians were irrelevant to DioVA.
    Mr. Jones, if you were expressing hope for change as a personal vision, then I hope you see your wishes come true. However, when you express these visions linked with your role in an official publication of the DioVA, it sounds like propaganda to me…

  6. Hakkatan says:

    Ed Jones said he hoped that the upcoming GC would be “a model of how passionate believers can champion their causes and still remain committed to the foundational beliefs that unite them.”

    What Mr Jones has completely missed is the reality that there are NO foundational beliefs that unite the “progressives” and the conservatives. We may share membership in an organization, but we share nothing else. I hope that he wakes up to this reality. If he is not, he will ever be doomed to disappointment.

  7. Old Pilgrim says:

    [blockquote] What Mr Jones has completely missed is the reality that there are NO foundational beliefs that unite the “progressives” and the conservatives. [/blockquote]

    Agreed. Further, the “progressives” are sufficiently post-modern that they seemingly deny foundational beliefs even exist. One day soon they will understand that by secularizing TEC they not only drive people away, but set the stage for not attracting any new people. After all, no one needs a church to tell him/her how to be secular.