New Episcopal Bishops Prepare for General Convention

Thirty-seven bishops, including five Canadians, one from Scotland, and one from Ireland, recently joined six episcopal faculty members and 10 guest instructors in North Carolina for a College for Bishops’ residency program.

The three-year Living Our Vows program is designed to support the spiritual health and personal development of new bishops. A series of three residential retreats is complemented by peer coaching with an experienced bishop, according to a news release.

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Episcopal Church (TEC), General Convention, TEC Bishops

9 comments on “New Episcopal Bishops Prepare for General Convention

  1. Dan Crawford says:

    “Living our vows”? To what “vows” does the phrase refer?

  2. Spiro says:

    Dan, you beat me to it.

  3. Cennydd says:

    The vows they repeated at their ordination and consecration, or the ones they took to run reasserters out of TEC?

  4. Philip Snyder says:

    I would be happy if they kept their vow to “continue in the apostles teaching and fellowship.”

    Phil Snyder

  5. David Wilson says:

    And sure David Booth Beers presentation on polity was a primer all about litigation

  6. David Wilson says:

    Two questions,

    1. Why would a Scot, and Irishman and five Canadians waste their time on this unless of course they have too much time and toomcuh money.

    2. I wonder how many of the six seminary faculty were from Nashotah ot Trinity?

  7. mannainthewilderness says:


    The answer to that question probably directly points to 4’s request.

  8. AnglicanFirst says:

    The Navy has/had a similar ‘grooming course’ for Captains newly selected for the rank of Rear Admiral.

    Having observed individuals before and after the grooming course I can say that I have observed dramatic changes in the persona’s of most of the individuals attending the course.

    The personalities of the attendees before the course ranged from being personable to being agressively focused on achieving the exalted promotion to flag rank. By the way, less than 1% of eligible Captains are selected for the rank of Rear Admiral.

    Almost all of the Rear Admiral selectees returning from the course exuded transformed personalities. Most were no longer personable or just single-mindedly focused on promotion.

    Most of them had ‘morphed’ into personas best described as being aristocratically detached from the rest of their fellow, non-Admiral, naval officers and at worst described as arrogant, presumtively god-like, and focused a presumed poersonal infallibility.

    We used to joke that this ‘grooming school’ included a mechanical ‘scrambling’ of the gray matter in their brains.

    Its also interesting how few of the grooming school graduates realized just how much esteem that they had lost among their brother naval officers.

    Unfortunately, it seems like this phenonemon also occurs among many of the priests selected to become bishops in ECUSA.

    Bishop Love of Albany, a godly and humble man, is an outstanding exception to this phenonemon.

  9. Philip Snyder says:

    Of course, there is the old joke about the true reason that three bishops ordain a new bishop – so that there is sufficient muscle to remove the new bishop’s spine! (grin).

    Phil Snyder