(Church Times) African women pen open letter on sexual violence

Sexual violence against women and girls is being seen as the defining characteristic of the worsening civil war in Sudan, as more evidence of the widespread use by all sides of rape as a weapon of war.

An open letter by 253 women across Africa and in the diaspora has called for urgent international action in response to a conflict described as being “fought on the bodies of women and girls”.

It refers to reports of gang rapes of girls as young as nine, and older women, including grandmothers raped in front of their daughters and granddaughters. Male relatives are frequently forced to watch. Women have also reported being targeted because of their ethnicity.

Read it all.

Posted in Anthropology, Defense, National Security, Military, Ethics / Moral Theology, Military / Armed Forces, Pastoral Theology, Sexuality, Sudan, Theology, Violence, Women

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