I’ve been wanting to post this for days — on what how the White House is going to handle the thorny religious hiring question that folks on the political left have been complaining about for months now. Fortunately Religion & Ethics Newsweekly now has quotes by the White House’s Joshua Dubois up on its site — quotes from a panel he appeared on Monday morning at a Sojourners -sponsored Mobilization to End Poverty conference.
His response on whether government-funded faith organizations can hire people from their own religion was that basically the administration is going to take the matter “on a case by case basis,” which is not going to please a lot of liberals. “It’s a difficult topic,” he said. “As difficult legal issues arise,” he added, he is to work with the White House and attorney general’s office and make recommendations. Whatever that means.
When you take Caesar’s coin you play by Caesar’s rules. I support strict separation of church and state not to protect the state from the church, but to protect the church from the state.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: It is a terrible idea for religious groups to accept a penny of money from government. You get 2% of your funding, they get 100% of the control. Take Caesar’s coin, play Caesar’s tune.
LOL… Jeffersonian I am beginning to wonder if we are not related.
My dad had, honestly, about 60 cousins…it’s not out of the realm of possibility!
It’s always dangerous to take the King’s shilling.
Jim the Puritan, the pounds and pence are scary, too.
[url=http://www.onpointradio.org/2009/06/defending-dr-george-tiller]Today’s “On Point with Tom Ashbrook”[/url]:
[blockquote]”Dr. George Tiller was murdered for performing abortions. In the gunfire, the defense of abortion can get lost. Episcopal priest Katherine Ragsdale makes it loud and clear.”[/blockquote]
I believe I heard the priest argue that would-be-physicians who don’t want to perform abortions should not become physicians.