Anglican Journal: New Westminster diocese court case hearings end

Supreme Court of British Columbia hearings have concluded in a case that will decide whether the Anglican diocese of New Westminister or parishes that have split away from the Anglican Church of Canada own disputed church buildings and resources. Judge Stephen Kelleher reserved his judgment and did not say when he might announce a decision.

Two lawsuits were filed against the diocese of New Westminster and its bishop, Michael Ingham, by clergy who cut ties with the Anglican Church of Canada and individuals who say they are the lawful trustees of church properties and resources for several congregations that also voted to leave the church. Other hearings have resulted in decisions about interim possession and sharing of Anglican church buildings in British Columbia as well as in Ontario, but this trial will be the first in Canada to rule on which side owns the buildings and resources.

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Culture-Watch, Anglican Church of Canada, Anglican Provinces, Law & Legal Issues

One comment on “Anglican Journal: New Westminster diocese court case hearings end

  1. fig says:

    2 things that are important to note for those of you who are reading this news piece.
    1. There is a note at the end of the article that says “with files from Neale Adams”. He is the communications officer for the Diocese of New Westminster
    2. The use of his notes helps explain a number of things, particularly the heavy use of “leaving language”. Much of the spin by the Diocese of New Westminster is to portray those churches who have aligned themeselves with the Anglican Network in Canada as naughtly little rebels, a kind of splinter group, as opposed to a group who by their actions were actually seeking to remain in communion with the world-wide Anglican Communion, and part of an international re-alignment within the Communion. Please continue to pray for us here in the Anglican Network in Canada, and pray or Judge Kelleher that he will just in his judgment.