Star Telegram: New Anglican church will benefit former Episcopalians, Bishop Iker says

The new Anglican Church in North America will give former Episcopalians new confidence and pride in being Anglicans, Jack Iker, bishop of a Fort Worth group that has left the Episcopal Church, declared Wednesday.

“Over the last 30 years, our members have winced or shuddered when they saw a story about the Episcopal Church in the public press,” he said, “because it has usually been about some scandal or outrageous thing one of our leaders has said or done.”

Iker said the new Anglican body “gives mainstream clergy and laity a chance to recover confidence and enthusiasm in being an Anglican Christian.”

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, ACNA Inaugural Assembly June 2009, Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), Episcopal Church (TEC)

3 comments on “Star Telegram: New Anglican church will benefit former Episcopalians, Bishop Iker says

  1. Jeremy Bonner says:

    [i]Earlier Wednesday, delegates approved canons and bylaws of the church, including one requiring an all-male priesthood.[/i]

    Does the Star-Telegram not know the difference between a priest and a bishop? I wish they would get the details right, especially given the report posted earlier that noted the role played by Mary Hays.

    The other thought that comes to mind is beware hubris. Let’s make sure that practice lives up to profession first and that ACNA doesn’t prove merely to be a repeat of St. Louis. The odds of success are a great deal better than thirty years ago, but we shouldn’t presume.

    [url=]Catholic and Reformed[/url]

  2. Words Matter says:

    Mr. Bonner –

    Jim Jones, the reporter, is a liberal Baptist and likely does not know, or care. The paper has, or had, a good writer on staff who was careful and thorough writing about the local diocese split, and I am disappointed that Jones was assigned the ACNA story. I though he was long gone (and good riddance) from the Startlegram. Too bad he’s back.

  3. Jeremy Bonner says:


    Helpful to know; having access to local knowledge is what makes the comment feature at T19 so valuable.