(Church Times) New interim Bishop of Liverpool: ‘I like to keep it simple . . . a non-anxious presence’

When asked to come to Liverpool to serve temporarily as diocesan Bishop, the Rt Revd Ruth Worsley “basically said no”, but promised that she would think about it.

“I wanted to do it on my terms,” she told the Church Times in an interview after her appointment as Interim Bishop of Liverpool had been announced.

After sleeping on the question, she proposed that, instead of “Acting Bishop”, the job should be more clearly defined as “Interim Bishop”, with a stated duration of at least two years.

“I’m not going to be on loan. I’m going to be there as a fully committed, paid-up player, joining in with all that the diocese is seeking to do,” she said.

Read it all.

Posted in Church of England (CoE), CoE Bishops

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