An Interview with Bishop Schofield

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, ACNA Inaugural Assembly June 2009, Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), Episcopal Church (TEC), TEC Conflicts, TEC Conflicts: San Joaquin

8 comments on “An Interview with Bishop Schofield

  1. Fr. Dale says:

    Bishop John David is a major reason there is an ACNA. He took the first step.

  2. A Senior Priest says:

    Beautiful interview. It’s good to hear him recognize that TEC bishops can be positive people, as well.

  3. Cennydd says:

    I am very proud to call +John-David my bishop!

  4. Dee in Iowa says:

    I envy you Cennydd…..

  5. IMGB007 says:

    I couldn’t agree more with Cennydd. Bishop John-David is one of the most spirit-filled people I’ve ever met in my life, and I’m so very thankfull to God that he is my bishop.

  6. John Wilkins says:

    He seems like a very sweet man. However, I do wish he would take better care of himself.

  7. Cennydd says:

    He [b]is[/b] a very sweet guy, but he can be as tough as nails when he needs to be. He does watch his weight.

  8. ExPagan says:

    He preached a very moving homily on conversion at my daughter’s confirmation (during which I also renewed my baptismal vows). We had 30 family members and friends there, mostly Roman Catholics and Assembly of God, and they all loved him! He has a terrific sense of humor, too.