John Samways Chimes in

For more than ten years the Church has argued for “a period of silence” to enable complex theological and biblical issues to be weighed and resolved, but sadly this “mind of the Church” has been ignored by those pressing for a revision of orthodoxy. Time and again, unilateral decisions have been taken by the revisionists and those seeking to uphold orthodoxy have been marginalised. In consequence, the Church is in turmoil ”” no longer is it a light to the communities it is called to serve; it has largely lost its confidence in the Gospel it is called to proclaim.

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Provinces, Church of England (CoE)

2 comments on “John Samways Chimes in

  1. libraryjim says:

    Come on, John, the church has had it’s bad moments before when it became so politicized only a handful remained true. And it was they, like Hosea who prevailed and eventually called the church back to her true love. I mean, what’s worse — calling for a return to orthodox belief and willing to take a stand even if it means facing depositions, lawsuits and loss of property or the Inquisition? If the church survived the 100 years war, then it surely will survive — and thrive stronger than ever — an attack on the core beliefs by reappraisers in the highest offices of TEC.

    Jim Elliott <>< North Georgia

  2. Alice Linsley says:

    The situation in the UK is very disheartening for right-believing Christians. Atheism is growing there and the Church of England is in disarray. Evangelical Protestants aren’t having the impact they once had. The Roman Catholic churches are full only on Christmas and Easter. And Orthodoxy has Bishop Timothy Ware who would compromise on WO if given the slightest nod from the Holy Synod. Different scenario from North Georgia.