NewsOK: Bishop of Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma explains his vote on gay issue

[The Rt. Rev. Edward Konieczny]… said DO25 was a statement about the ordination process and that recent news headlines and broadcasts proclaiming it as an end to the moratorium are “rather inaccurate.”

“As we understand, that moratorium is in effect until such time as a vote takes place that changes that,” Konieczny said during a recent telephone interview.

“As we understand it, until such time as the House of Bishops and standing committees confirm somebody who is in an openly gay or lesbian relationship, that moratorium continues to be in effect.”

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Episcopal Church (TEC), General Convention, Same-sex blessings, Sexuality Debate (in Anglican Communion), TEC Bishops

4 comments on “NewsOK: Bishop of Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma explains his vote on gay issue

  1. New Reformation Advocate says:

    It’s hard to say whether Bishop Konieczny’s statement is more silly than pathetic, or vice versa. Either way, it hardly represents a clear stand for orthodoxy. And as Paul said in 1 Cor. 14:8, if the bugler gives an unclear trumpet call, who will come forth for battle?

    Things are not OK in OK(lahoma).

    David Handy+

  2. In Texas says:

    Since my last steak dinner yesterday, I have not eaten any meat. Therefore, I am a vegetarian, and I will remain one until my next steak dinner this evening.

  3. Anastasios says:

    “It ain’t over until the fat lady sings.” So if we give the woman voice lessons, rent the auditorium and provide the score…don’t blame us!

  4. whtheus says:

    I grew up in the Diocese. Left for Pa & Tx in 85. I haven’t met this Bishop and his statement doesn’t make me feel all that good.

    To say that “As I understand it…” is an admission that one is not in the loop, clueless, or being disingenuous. Of course nothing changes until the Bishops and/or the committees approve a Gay or Lesbian candidate in a same sex relationship. DUH!!! The problem is that D025 provides cover when they do. Because they can. Just as in the Roman Church learned long ago, they seldom repeal a Church Law, they just enact a new Law that takes precedence. I recall that the Diocese of N Mich elected a practicing Bhudist who was a classmate of our Presiding Bishop.

    I get the feeling that 815 is inhabited with lemmings. We are feeling the loss of 4 Dioceses over this issue. Now we face the loss of many more Christian folk because of D025 and C056. The average parish is roughly 70 ASE. What happens when the ASE drops to 50 or less, and it will for many of the parishes. 815 has the trust funds to make payroll. The parishes don’t. 815 will take pride that they are “dragging the church into the 21st century” but are they dragging a biblical-base church or just another social club?