Michael Nazir-Ali: The Episcopal Church's moves to bless noncelibate same sex unions risk schism

The Episcopal Church in the United States has done it again. Having marched out of step with the majority of the worldwide Anglican Communion, American Episcopalians have declared their intention to walk even further apart.

The world knows about the ordination of a bishop in a same-sex relationship and the ways in which that has torn the fabric of the communion, as the primates have said, at its deepest level. (This, by the way, is also a classic description of schism.) It also is widely known that people have their same-sex unions “blessed” in many parts of the Episcopal Church and such people also can be candidates for ordination.

All this continues despite the clear teaching of the 1998 Lambeth Conference that it should not.

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Provinces, Church of England (CoE), CoE Bishops, Episcopal Church (TEC), General Convention, Same-sex blessings, Sexuality Debate (in Anglican Communion)

7 comments on “Michael Nazir-Ali: The Episcopal Church's moves to bless noncelibate same sex unions risk schism

  1. Creighton+ says:

    Correct Bishop.

  2. Fr. Dale says:

    I’m still waiting for another Bishop in England to respond to the events of GenCon09.

  3. azusa says:

    #2: Very hard for them to do so, because just about all the English evangelicals are ‘open’ or liberal evangelicals who cannot be seen to support the new ‘Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans’; in fact, they’ve been dissing it mightily in a collegial show of ‘unity’ that still pretends the ‘Windsor Process’ will ‘eventually’ bring TEC to heel. The English Church is compromsied by the strong liberal and gay element in several dioceses, especially in the cathedrals. Not a few of these people are in civil unions – but being English, they have to pretend it isn’t same sex marriage.
    IOW, the English liberal evangelicals are deep in a river in Egypt. The ‘Fulcrum’ leader Bishop Graham King can’t bring himself to admit that his faith in ‘Windsor’ (subverted in Jamaica) has failed completely. It’s time for them to mend their fences with FCA.

  4. Jim the Puritan says:

    2003: “Episcopal Church’s consecration of gay bishop risks schism”

    2009: “Episcopal Church’s moves to bless noncelibate same sex unions risk schism”

    2012: “Episcopal Church’s moves to develop liturgy for worship of Molech risk schism”

  5. azusa says:

    #4: Moloch is already praised by the dean of EDS.

  6. Jeffersonian says:

    Well yes, #5, but none of the canons has been changed, so it’s all good. TEC is just reinterpreting them.

  7. Larry Morse says:

    See #4. How often and how long does one need to threat en before such threats become crying Wolf? Where does this saber rattling end, and the drawing of the saber begin? Larry