Looking Back at Woodstock

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They are still married–how wonderful.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, * International News & Commentary, America/U.S.A., History, Music

9 comments on “Looking Back at Woodstock

  1. Tar Heel says:

    I suddenly feel old. 🙂

  2. GrandpaDino says:

    My most recent CD purchase (2 weeks ago) was the entire Jefferson Airplane set (“Morning Maniac Music”). I never get tired of listening to Jack Casady play bass guitar.

  3. julia says:

    My brother, a deserter from the Army, was picked up by the FBI on his way to Woodstock. I think he was glad to stop running …. but couldn’t it have been on the way back from Woodstock???

  4. DaveG says:

    I was there for the start but left the second day – no food, shelter and mud everywhere. Guess I just wasn’t hip(pie) enough!

  5. Pageantmaster Ù† says:

    It’s salutary to see how the beautiful people have turned into their parents.

  6. Words Matter says:

    Half a million “defined a generation”, as we’ve been told for 40 years. Twice that many in Denver for the 1992 World Youth Day, on the other hand, was so much chopped liver.

  7. Old Soldier says:

    119 service men were killed in Nam while the band(s) played on.

  8. Old Soldier says:

    Correction. The KIA figure is 109.

  9. phil swain says:

    My buddies and I were working at the coke ovens at the Bethlehem Steel plant in Buffalo during the summer of ’69 when we heard that a lot of great bands would be playing at Woodstock. We hopped into a friend’s VW and headed off to Woodstock not knowing what to expect. By the time we got there the organizers were declaring that it was now a free concert. As I sat on the back of my friend’s VW in a long line of traffic a motorcycle came by with a beautiful girl riding on the back. When she got to the back of the VW she looked at me and said, “you’re a Scorpio.” The motorcycle zoomed off. “Wow, how’d she know”, I said. My buddies assured me that she was blowing the minds of one out of every twelve guys.