The Decline and Fall of the Anglican Church of Canada

Quite the graphic.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Church of Canada, Anglican Provinces

3 comments on “The Decline and Fall of the Anglican Church of Canada

  1. Undergroundpewster says:


  2. Jeffersonian says:

    Don’t worry, Fred Hiltz is on the job:

    [blockquote]The other day, six Anglican archbishops called for the church to bless the unions of same-sex couples. The Anglican Church of Canada is about to have a big vote on the issue, and depending which way they swing it will either deepen the schism within the worldwide Anglican Communion or further isolate the Episcopal Church of the United States.

    But never mind all that. What struck me was the rationale the archbishops came up with. This gay thing, they sighed. We’ve been yakking about it for years. Let’s just get on with it, and then we can get back to the important stuff. “We are deeply concerned that ongoing study,” they fretted, “will only continue to draw us away from issues which are gradually destroying G-d’s creation — child poverty, racism, global warming, economic injustice, concern for our aboriginal brothers and sisters and the growing disparity between the rich and the poor.”

    That’s it? Anglicans need to fast-track a liturgy for gay couples so they can free up time to deal with the real issues like global warming? Half that catalogue of horrors seems to be different ways of saying the same thing (“child poverty, economic injustice, growing disparity”) in order to give a bit of pro forma padding to the totally cool cause du jour of global warming. Which is so cool that, if an Anglican archbishop shows up at a climate-change conference, he’ll be lucky to get in the room, and if he does he’ll be stuck at the table with the wonky leg next to the toilet, barely able to see the Most Reverend Almer Gortry up on stage doing his power-point presentation and warning that rising sea levels will send tidal waves crashing through every gay wedding reception in Provincetown by Saturday afternoon. [/blockquote]


  3. dwstroudmd+ says:

    No doubt the swarming entry of gays will save the ACoC just like it is saving ECUSA/TEC. Just remember that in revisionist math (as exemplified by PB Schori and the Bishop of New Hampshire in cited quotations by reputable news outlets) there is “growth” in the ECUSA/TEC and the Diocese of NH. Of course, when one looks at the numbers on the official TEC site one sees that such “growth” is change in number. This change is in fact documented to be negative, that is, lower numbers of members and ASA, but they consistently call it “growth”.

    Canada has a real problem with “growth” – such a large amount of growth will result in nullity!