The Call to Marriage is Woven Deeply into the Human Spirit: A Message on Marriage from NJ Bishops

A recent study issued by the National Marriage Project at Rutgers University identifies a broad cultural shift away from religion and social traditionalism and toward a belief in personal independence and tolerance for diverse life styles – otherwise known as “secular individualism.” The same report also indicates that “more children each year are not living in families that include their married, biological parents, which by all available empirical evidence is the gold standard for insuring optimal outcomes in a child’s development.”

One expression of this cultural shift toward “secular individualism” is the recent authorization of “marriage” between individuals of the same sex in a few states and the call for passage of a same sex “marriage” law in New Jersey.

As Catholics, we must not stand by in silence in the face of the many challenges that threaten marriage and, in turn, children and the public good. We must not shirk from our responsibility.

We must protect and promote marriage. We must not abandon the teaching of the Catholic Church on marriage and the complementarity of the sexes – a truth that is evident to right reason and recognized as such by the major cultures of the world. We must pledge our support to all family members, including those who choose to remain single. We must help those entering marriage to prepare for the challenges, sacrifices and joys to come. We must reach out with the special compassion of Christ to those married couples and families experiencing difficulties, anxiety, and illness.

In these troubled times, we, the Catholic Bishops of New Jersey, offer here some basic truths to assist people in understanding Catholic teaching about marriage and to enable them to promote and support marriage and families.

Read it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Religion News & Commentary, --Civil Unions & Partnerships, Law & Legal Issues, Marriage & Family, Other Churches, Religion & Culture, Roman Catholic, Sexuality

4 comments on “The Call to Marriage is Woven Deeply into the Human Spirit: A Message on Marriage from NJ Bishops

  1. Dan Crawford says:

    Will wait with bated breath for the Statement on Marriage from NJ’s TEC Bishops.

  2. Bishop Daniel Martins says:

    This is a wonderful statement. It is theologically rich and nuanced, yet direct and clear, and responds to the concerns of many good-hearted but reflexive liberals in the church and in the world. I know there would be several TEC bishops who could endorse such a statement, but it pains me that they would be a distinct minority.

  3. New Reformation Advocate says:

    I wholeheartedly agree with Fr. Dan Martins (#2). It’s an admirable statement. Superb in every way.

    And like Dan Crawford (#1), I lament the glaring contrast implicit between this marvelous RC pastoral letter and the public statements of the two TEC bishops in NJ, who have completely fallen for the lies that are so politically correct these days, but so disastrously incorrect theologically. The contrast couldn’t be more stark.

    The RC bishops’ clear, brave stand for the truth is such that orthodox Christians of all denominations (and none) can be proud of and be encouraged by. Alas, the opposite is true of the Episcopal bishops in NJ (and many other places). They are a source of scandal and embarrassment to all true Christians.

    David Handy+

  4. Laura R. says:

    [blockquote] The Catholic Church teaches today and has always and everywhere taught for 2000 years that marriage is the union of one man and one woman as husband and wife. [/blockquote]

    You can’t get more solidly grounded in history and Christian truth than that. How refreshing to read such strong and clear teaching after the tortured efforts of General Convention to come up with statements that don’t sound like they say what they actually do.