Church of England Newspaper: Same Sex Union Question threatening Scottish church unity

The question of gay clergy threatens to tear Anglicans in Scotland apart, the Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church (SEC), Bishop David Chillingworth, has warned.

In an interview published Aug 21 in the Scotsman, Bishop Chillingworth said the gay clergy question was “an issue that has been threatening to tear us apart, and many of us live across a spectrum in which out of one side of our minds we can say there is a justice and inclusion issue here, and out of the other there is a dialogue that needs to go on with the traditional teaching of the Church and what the Bible says.

“You can’t wish either of those away. You have to deal with both,” he said. The Primus’ comments come as a push is underway from within the liberal wing of the Scottish church to end its ban on gay bishops and blessings, and in the wake of the Archbishop of Canterbury’s statement that [noncelibate] gay clergy were outside the bounds of Anglicanism.

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Provinces, Same-sex blessings, Scottish Episcopal Church, Sexuality Debate (in Anglican Communion)

3 comments on “Church of England Newspaper: Same Sex Union Question threatening Scottish church unity

  1. montanan says:

    Well, TEC and the ACoC can certainly serve as case studies for ECS….

  2. Randy Muller says:

    Exactly. What could go wrong with “full inclusion”?

  3. dwstroudmd+ says:

    Is there an oil deal to be had anywhere that might move “mercy” in the proper direction, I wonder? After all, isn’t that what a “grown-up” would want? Especially if the price is correctly negotiated.

    Calling Omar Khadaffi………..