Living Church: SE Florida Bishop Authorizes Same-Sex Blessings

Only a few months after General Convention approved Resolution C056, public blessings for same-sex couples have begun emerging in dioceses of the Episcopal Church.

On Aug. 30, E. Denise Simmons, the mayor of Cambridge, Mass., exchanged marital vows with her partner, Mattie Hayes, at St. Bartholomew Church, Cambridge. The Rev. Irene Monroe wrote for the online magazine Religion Dispatches about presiding at the service with the Rev. Leslie K. Sterling, the priest in charge of St. Bartholomew’s, and Jada D. Simmons, a justice of the peace and the mayor’s eldest daughter.

“I was elated to be a part of this liturgical assembly line, helping to make a historic event [happen] within the ecclesial strictures of the church,” Ms. Monroe wrote. “Sterling did the invocation, declaration of consent to marry, and blessing of the marriage; Simmons pronounced the marriage, and I did the homily, blessing of rings and vows.”

Further south, the Rt. Rev. Leo Frade, Bishop of Southeast Florida, has authorized his clergy to provide pastoral blessings””but not to preside over same-sex weddings””within about a month.

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Episcopal Church (TEC), Same-sex blessings, Sexuality Debate (in Anglican Communion), TEC Bishops

12 comments on “Living Church: SE Florida Bishop Authorizes Same-Sex Blessings

  1. IchabodKunkleberry says:

    “liturgical assembly line”…? Seems to reflect a mechanistic view.

  2. robroy says:

    And Colorado has its first lesbian rector!:

    [url=]St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Welcomes a new Rector[/url]

    What lemmings.

  3. dwstroudmd+ says:

    Hmm, what did they say about GenCON 2009 resolutions, now?

    Please notify the PB and Head Deputy Bonnie Anderson that their missive to the ABC was bunk.

  4. drjoan says:

    And Good Shepherd, Vancouver, has its first lesbian Associate Rector, the Rev. Shelly Fayette (although she is not even a priest yet!)
    Many of the good folks of Good Shepherd are frustrated and disturbed; some are leaving; some are going to wait and see if she’s as nice as they think. Surprisingly, I,who no longer attend there, am the one the frustrated ones are calling! One friend said she knew it would happen sometime but never expected it in her lifetime.
    I’m afraid that many Episcopalians are simply acting like ostriches with their heads in the proverbial sand!

  5. Already left says:

    From Shroi to Williams in July 2009:
    Some are concerned that the adoption of Resolution D025 has effectively repealed Resolution B033. That is not the case. This General Convention has not repealed Resolution B033. It remains to be seen how Resolution B033 will be understood and interpreted in light of Resolution D025.
    Some within our Church may understand Resolution D025 to give Standing Committees (made up of elected clergy and laity) and Bishops with jurisdiction more latitude in consenting to episcopal
    elections. Others, in light of Resolution B033, will not. In either case, we trust that the Bishops and Standing Committees of The Episcopal Church will continue to exercise prayerful discernment in making such decisions, mindful and appreciative of our relationships in the Anglican Communion.
    Well, let me see, that lasted a whopping 2 months. “Prayerful discernment” apparently means, “do whatever you want to.”

  6. MKEnorthshore says:

    RE #2’s reference: [blockquote] “’Lovin’ the questions,’ is the slogan of the campus ministry, and the parish as a whole embraces the notion that the freedom to seek and to inquire is invaluable in leading a life of faith.”[/blockquote] What will they do if the answers to their questions aren’t what they presume that they will be?

  7. In Texas says:

    Ah, but TEC has neither changed the cannons nor the prayer book. These are not marriages, they are just “generous pastoral responses”. Nope, no marriages here, even though there are wedding photos, wedding cakes, rings exchanged, etc. I don’t understand how people can parse words, spilt hairs, and with a straight face, say “no, we have not authorized official rites” – only unofficial ones.

  8. In Texas says:

    Er, that should be “canons”. At least I’m not trying to divide 🙂 🙂

  9. Intercessor says:

    [Comment deleted by Elf]

  10. Intercessor says:

    [Comment deleted by Elf – please raise the tone of your comments Intercessor]

  11. Jeffersonian says:

    [blockquote]Please notify the PB and Head Deputy Bonnie Anderson that their missive to the ABC was bunk. [/blockquote]

    Shall we also notify Joe Ratzinger that he is Catholic?

  12. New Reformation Advocate says:

    So Bishop Frade has once again brought shame on his office and TEC. As when, a few months ago, he immediately moved to let the popular, if disgraced, ex-RC priest Alberto Cutie (you know, the one caught in those beach phots frlicking with his mistress) start preaching at one of his Miami churches. Alas, it seems that Hispanic bishops can get away with silly, incompetent stuff that most Anglo bishops wouldn’t dare to try.

    FWIW, it’s worth noting that the author of the article, Doug LeBlanc, became Editor-at-Large of [i]The Living Church[/i] earlier this month, after longtime TLC Director David Kalvelage retired and Christopher Wells took his place at the helm. I’m glad to see Doug back at work fulltime covering Anglican news. And uncovering all the embarrassing silliness of TEC.

    Doug didn’t need to add any editorial comments about +Frade’s remarks. Their absurdity was blatantly obvious. Condemned by his own words. Lord, have mercy.

    David Handy+