Climate change, violence on the streets in Focus among Anglicans in Melbourne

The Synod opened last night in St Paul’s Cathedral with an address by Anglican Archbishop of Melbourne, Dr Philip Freier, who said that the fragility of human existence reminded us of the folly of seeking security in the physical rather than the spiritual. “The devastation of the bushfires in February, the continued effects of the drought and natural disasters in our region all point to our rather less secure grasp on the world than most Australians had come to expect.”

Moreover, the Global Financial Crisis, and predictions of future disasters arising from climate change, reinforced this view. For Christians, he added, the answer lies “in the promise of our redemption in Christ”¦ [this is where] we find the deepest purpose of God who calls us into being and maintains our hope even in the midst of a world with forces that have the power to crush us.”

He also outlined the achievements of the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne over the past 12 months, including its Bushfire Appeal and recovery program which was established following the tragic bushfires of 7 February; and the ”˜fresh connections’ parishes had been making with their local communities through such events as Open Church Week in July, and Back to Church Sunday in September.

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Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Church of Australia, Anglican Provinces