Nonie Darwish: ”˜Tolerating intolerance is not a virtue’

Slight of build and dressed in the stylish manner of the European-influenced Arab middle class, Nonie Darwish could be any wealthy Levantine in Paris or west London.

But behind the veneer of Egyptian elegance is a one-woman anti-jihad machine, a Christian convert from Islam, founder of a group called Former Muslims United and author of two books highly critical of Sharia law, Arab policy towards Israel and Islamists’ ambitions for global conquest.

Darwish is often compared to Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the Somali-born Dutch feminist, but whereas Ali is an atheist who stands up for Europe’s “Enlightenment values” against Islam, Darwish is a Christian who believes “that Judeo-Christian culture produces healthier, happier and more just societies, whereas Islamic culture produces tyrannical regimes and oppression”.

Read the whole article.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Religion News & Commentary, Islam, Other Churches, Other Faiths, Religion & Culture

One comment on “Nonie Darwish: ”˜Tolerating intolerance is not a virtue’

  1. Jill Woodliff says:

    [blockquote]”The West is no longer proud of the Judeo-Christian culture and democracy. It does not believe in its own beliefs. Tolerating intolerance is not a sign of virtue, but gross negligence. The West hates itself and it’s very sad.”[/blockquote]Wow. How can we get this woman into the House of Bishops?