Karzai Is Vague on Confronting Corruption in Afghanistan

President Hamid Karzai, in his first speech since he was declared the winner of the much-disputed presidential election, said Tuesday that he wanted to tackle corruption but made no specific commitments to reorganize his administration.

“Afghanistan has been tarnished by administrative corruption and I will launch a campaign to clean the government of corruption,” he said.

Asked if that might involve changing key ministers and officials, he said, “These problems cannot be solved by changing high-ranking officials. We’ll review the laws and see what problems are in the law and we will draft some new laws.”

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Posted in * Economics, Politics, Ethics / Moral Theology, Politics in General, Theology, War in Afghanistan

One comment on “Karzai Is Vague on Confronting Corruption in Afghanistan

  1. Sherri2 says:

    That sounds like a child trying to sneak one past his mommy. The problem can’t be in the people, it must be in the laws. I talked this morning with a soldier home on leave from Afghanistan and he wanted someone to know about the corruption there, wanted Americans to know that despite the money we are sending over to help establish the Afghan army – the soldiers don’t even have shoes.