Living Church: Former TEC Dioceses Welcome Congregations

As two former Episcopal dioceses hold conventions this weekend, they are beginning to incorporate congregations from across the nation.

The Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh will vote on welcoming Harvest Anglican Church, Homer City, Pa.; Church of the Transfiguration, Cleveland, Ohio; HolyTrinityChurch, Raleigh, N.C.; and St. James Church, San Jose, Calif.

The Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth (Southern Cone) plans to receive St. Gabriel’s Anglican Church, Springdale, Ark., as a new mission station. It also will welcome two existing parishes: St. Matthias’ Anglican Church, Dallas; and Church of the Holy Spirit, Tulsa, Okla.

On Oct. 30, the Episcopal Diocese of Tennessee went to court against St. Andrew’s Church, Nashville, which left the Episcopal Church in 2006 and has since announced its affiliation with the Diocese of Quincy (Ill.).

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Religion News & Commentary, Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), Episcopal Church (TEC), Evangelicals, Other Churches, TEC Conflicts, TEC Conflicts: Fort Worth, TEC Conflicts: Quincy, TEC Conflicts: San Joaquin, TEC Departing Parishes

2 comments on “Living Church: Former TEC Dioceses Welcome Congregations

  1. texanglican says:

    The diocese of Fort Worth (ACNA) actually admitted FIVE new congregations yesterday! (Note below adapted from an email from the diocesan office.)

    FIVE NEW CONGREGATIONS were welcomed into the Diocese on November 7. The Church of Christ the Redeemer in Fort Worth was recognized as a new mission church, with Fr. Christopher Culpepper as vicar. St. Francis Church in Dallas was received as a new parish of the diocese; their rector in Fr. David Allen. The Bishop introduced St. Gabriel’s Anglican Church in Springdale, Arkansas, as a new mission station, under the leadership of their rector, Fr. John Slavin. And then two parishes were welcomed and seated under a new Parish Affiliation Agreement, authorized by the Bishop, Standing Committee, and Corporation of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth. They are St. Matthias’ Anglican Church in Dallas, Fr. Dwight Duncan, rector; and the Church of the Holy Spirit, Tulsa, Oklahoma, whose rector is Fr. Briane Turley.”

  2. Intercessor says:

    In what decade will the Episcopal church headquarters announce a new parish joining?