The final vote was 60-39 and came along party lines (as did each of the first five procedural votes that took place earlier this week).
Senator Jim Bunning (R-KY) was the lone Senator not to vote.
The final vote was 60-39 and came along party lines (as did each of the first five procedural votes that took place earlier this week).
Senator Jim Bunning (R-KY) was the lone Senator not to vote.
I had suspected that on the final vote, which required only a simple mojority, there would be a handful of democrats who would break discipline and vote “no” or abstain. I was wrong.
Now we can get down to the real business of figuring out what health bill the full congress will come up with. But, that will be done behind closed doors, of course.
Poor Senator Bunning. Who can blame him for not wating to go to work on Christmas Eve. Oh, wait a minute–I’m at work on Christmas Eve. I’m sure he’s a nice guy, but how pitiful that he felt it appropriate to shirk his duty and go home.
So on one of the holiest days of the year, when a virgin gave birth to God’s only Son, our Senate in some macabre act voted to spend taxpayer dollars for the termination of infant life through abortion. They not only took their finger and poked the American people in the eye, they flipped God the finger.
I’m hoping against hope that the Stupak language survives reconciliation, because the Nelson deal just doesn’t cut it.
Hope and change…yeah, about that…
Praise Obama from whom all blessings flow;
praise him all creatures here below.
Praise him all ye congressional hosts,
let’s see who’ll bankrupt us all the most.
Cut the service, raise the rates,
means early exit thru pearly gates.