Zenit–Cardinal Schönborn: Christianity Offers Dual Citizenship

…the cardinal did not fail to point out that the modern relationship between secularism and Christianity serves a needed purpose for the purification and maturation of Christianity: “Christianity also needs the critical voice of secular Europe, asking hard questions, sometimes nasty questions, questions we should not try to escape or avoid.

“It does Christianity good to listen to the questions of secular society and be challenged to answer them. It wakes the Christians up and challenges them. It questions Christianity’s credibility. And Christianity needs to be questioned.

“It is good for us to be held accountable.”

He explained that the critical questioning of the secular world presses Christianity to become what it is called to be, and helps to purify what is incoherent between its words and deeds. “And why?” he asked. “Because deep down, the secular West longs for an authentic Christianity, and hopes for a Christianity that is credible through its life.”

Read it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * International News & Commentary, * Religion News & Commentary, Europe, Other Churches, Other Faiths, Religion & Culture, Roman Catholic, Secularism