Bill Emmott–Why China is stoking war of words with the US

What is unusual about China’s reaction to these two traditional issues is the volume of its response and that it is threatening sanctions against American firms. It has just imposed penalties on American chicken imports, in retaliation for US protectionism against Chinese car tyres. The Chinese Government has been very truculent over the alleged hacking of Google and 30 other foreign companies by Chinese cyber-warriors, refusing to investigate ”” which bolsters the belief that the hackers work for the Government.

Nor is America the only Chinese target. The hackers also attacked departments of the Indian Government, including the Prime Minister’s office. In Indian eyes China has become increasingly provocative over the two countries’ long-running territorial disputes in the Himalayas, over which a short border war was fought in 1962. China has been building up its troop numbers along those disputed borders. And to this list you can also add the obstreperous stance China took in the Copenhagen climate change conference last December.

So what explains this apparent rise in Chinese belligerence?…

Read the whole thing.

Posted in * Economics, Politics, * International News & Commentary, America/U.S.A., Asia, China, Foreign Relations

3 comments on “Bill Emmott–Why China is stoking war of words with the US

  1. BlueOntario says:

    A valuable analysis and an important reminder of the saying “all politics is local.”

  2. Sick & Tired of Nuance says:

    [blockquote]…the obstreperous stance China took in the Copenhagen climate change conference last December…[/blockquote]

    Obstreperous? Really? I would have characterized it as [b]sane[/b] given the lying, cheating, and out right fraud by the Anthropomorphic Global Warming crowd. Perhaps they just noticed the raging [b]blizzard[/b] outside the global warming conference doors and decided to pass on drinking the Kool-aid.

  3. IchabodKunkleberry says:

    Given the continued protests by Tibetans, and especially the bloody
    and very public rioting by Muslim Uighurs a few months ago, China
    may be trying to blunt its dometic unrest by distracting its populace
    with reports of menaces posed by foreign countries.