Baltimore Sun–Episcopal bishop-elect prepares for historic move to Los Angeles

The Maryland priest at the center of a seismic tumult in the worldwide international Anglican Communion is slim and stands just over five feet, wears her gray hair cut short and greets visitors with a strong two-handed grasp. She’s known to former parishioners and colleagues for emotional and insightful sermons, administrative skill, high energy ”” and for occasionally wearing a giant foam wedge of cheese on her head to honor her favorite NFL team.

The Rev. Canon Mary Douglas Glasspool, due to be consecrated Saturday as bishop in the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, is known to the rest of the world by a phrase that would fit on a bumper sticker: “First openly lesbian bishop.”

If the label seems handy, Glasspool said she hopes it soon outlives its usefulness.

“People who know me, the label will disappear. All I’m asking is an opportunity to get to know me,” Glasspool, 56, said last week in an interview at the Baltimore headquarters of the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland. As canon to the bishops for the last nine years, she has served there as principal adviser to the leaders of the church.

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Episcopal Church (TEC), Sexuality Debate (in Anglican Communion), TEC Bishops, TEC Conflicts, TEC Conflicts: Los Angeles

9 comments on “Baltimore Sun–Episcopal bishop-elect prepares for historic move to Los Angeles

  1. Intercessor says:

    Surely there is a “news story” worthy of discussion other than this Episcopal house organ. I am so glad that these folks are so elated. Please file a report whit us after you have met St. Peter. You have no idea how much sorrow I feel for you.

  2. AnglicanFirst says:

    A ‘secular victory’ for the revisionists and a spiteful attack on “…the Faith once given…” and upon the Church Catholic.

    They had better be aware of Who “gave” us that “Faith” and be ready to accept the eternal consequences for their actions.

    This is especially true for the ordained/consecrated ‘episcopal leadership’ that is leading the Lord’s flock astray. If they have any comprehension of theology, then that leadership will be facing much much more condemnation than the laity who follow them within their episcopacies.

    My sense of the soundness of that leaderships’ Christian beliefs is such as to make me believe that they would simply ‘laugh off’ comments such as those I have just made.

  3. LumenChristie says:

    [blockquote]All I’m asking is an opportunity to get to know me,” Glasspool, 56, said last week in an interview[/blockquote]


    You’ll like her.

  4. Ralph says:

    The devil can be a charming gentleman, once you get to know him. May God open Ms Glasspools eyes that she might withdraw from the process before the spiritual damage is complete for her and for those who would partcipate in a blasphemous ceremony.

  5. MKEnorthshore says:

    Why can’t we just let her be the simple metropolitan bishop in California? After all, she’s a Packers fan.

  6. AnglicanFirst says:


    OK, What is it about Mary that I will like?

  7. Daniel says:

    It really does seem like TEC is a living example of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, with their worship of individualistic self-actualization. What they don’t realize is that true liberty only comes from total submission to God. Ah well, if Satan couldn’t figure it out, why should they. So very sad. One can only hope and pray that the scales will fall from their eyes some day soon.

    From Maslow – Self Actualization Needs are the need and desire to act as they pleased according to their talents and interests.

  8. mhmac13 says:

    Having met her and listening to her preach at St. Margarets in Annapolis, I can say unequivocally that, indeed, she is likeable. HOwever, while she was there for a long time (9 yrs?) she never discussed or talked openly about her homosexuality. The vestry members certainly were not aware of that. If she made a choice concerning her sexual existence and then hid it from those she served, that is duplicity and lying of the most serious kind. So they are now consecrating bishops those who deliberately lie to their congregations. Didn they just dump Bennison on some of those same grounds???? Just. asking

  9. Sarah says:

    RE: “The Rev. Canon Mary Douglas Glasspool, due to be consecrated Saturday as bishop in the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, is known to the rest of the world by a phrase that would fit on a bumper sticker: “First openly lesbian bishop.”

    Naw — actually that’s the label the progressive gay activists enjoy and are pushing.

    The actual label is “non-celibate gay bishop.”