USA Today: Anglicans meet amid growing discord

“We’re very clear on our (church governance) and our theology,” said Washington, D.C., Bishop John Bryson Chane on Wednesday. “Our position on full inclusion in all parts of church life for all the baptized has not, and will not, change.”

“This is the first time the Archbishop of Canterbury will hear, in our own voices, where we are as a church, what we’ve been through and where we are going,” he said.

Traditionalists are holding steadfast as well. More than 60 parishes have split off to align with traditionalist archbishops in Africa and South America. Several are battling their former dioceses in court for possession of parish properties.

Already the primates for Nigeria and Kenya have consecrated U.S.-based bishops to run essentially parallel parishes in defiance of the Episcopal Church. But the Rev. Canon Kendall Harmon of the Diocese of South Carolina estimates 8% to 20% of active Episcopalians “have enormous problems with what’s happening, but no provision is being made for them….

Though Harmon sees intense pressure on the Episcopal Church this week, Canon Jim Naughton, spokesman for Chane’s diocese, says traditionalists have no cards left to play. “I think the leaders of the Episcopal Church are more optimistic about remaining in the Communion than they have been in several years,” Naughton says.

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Primates, Archbishop of Canterbury, Episcopal Church (TEC), Primates Mtg Dar es Salaam, Feb 2007, Same-sex blessings, Sept07 HoB Meeting, Sexuality Debate (in Anglican Communion), TEC Bishops, TEC Conflicts, TEC Parishes

9 comments on “USA Today: Anglicans meet amid growing discord

  1. William P. Sulik says:

    When did Jim Naughton get Canonized?

  2. Neal in Dallas says:

    “Our position on full inclusion in all parts of church life for all the baptized has not, and will not, change.”

    Actually, this should read: “Our position on full inclusion in all parts of church, [i] whether baptized or not, [/i] has not and will not changed, [i] regardless of what our canons say. [/i]”

  3. Br_er Rabbit says:

    [blockquote] More than 60 parishes have split off… [/blockquote]

    So, the press is no longer buying the “only about 45 churches…” line?

  4. CanaAnglican says:

    3. Mr. Rabbit,
    Yes, the press is catching on. They have not, however, noted that enough individuals have split off to form several thousand parishes.

  5. Dave B says:

    Jim Naughton said “The traditionalists have no cards left to play”. This may be true but as TEC continues it’s drift into religious irrelavence and more people leave TEC, TEC will become the alternative to the uniterian church.

  6. Irenaeus says:

    “We’re very clear on our polity and our theology” —Bp. Bryson

    “Very clear on…our theology”? Don’t choke on your crawdads.

  7. DonGander says:

    “Canon Jim Naughton, spokesman for Chane’s diocese, says traditionalists have no cards left to play.”

    I see handwriting on the wall….. Let’s see if I can make it out….


    What does THAT mean?!?!?

  8. Oldman says:

    The sun came up at 7:23 this morning where I live and most certainly it will set tonight at 7:28. My son lives in the Far East Asia where the sun has already set and will rise in about twelve hours. God’s ordered Universe works and will keep working!

    “Who told thee thou wast naked? “ God asked Adam in response to man’s first act of disobedience. Throughout history man has refined disobedience until today in the church. Up is down, down is up, sin is not sin, but something good because a bunch of clerics say so.

    What is the result? A broken church headed into the wilderness. In the long time of history, it matters very little what Bishops Chane, Curry, et al say in the next few days as God calls, “Who told thee thou wast naked?” Will they, in the way of Adam, reply, “Those bad foreign Bishops made me do it. They don’t understand. The fruit of the tree must be shared with all.” Or will they kneel down and say, “God forgive me and cleanse me.”

    You know as well as I, they will say as they have been saying, “God, mind your own business. We will eat of the fruit of the tree, whether you like it or not!”

  9. chips says:

    Well he is wrong about there being no cards left to play – but I suppose many of the hard left are quietly looking forward to the day that there is no right wing to slow them down. The moderates should be very scared. At least those that depart have an exciting future to look forward to.