Father's Day Night out

I am being taken by the family to Toy Story 3–KSH.


Posted in * By Kendall, * Culture-Watch, Children, Harmon Family, Marriage & Family, Movies & Television

10 comments on “Father's Day Night out

  1. RobSturdy says:

    We went on Friday. What a great movie!

  2. justice1 says:

    My four kids took me for Father’s Day Friday as well. Can you believe $100 bucks for six and junk food? Good movie, good time.

  3. montanan says:

    I can’t think of a Pixar movie I haven’t really enjoyed, including this one.

  4. A Senior Priest says:

    Funny, Harmon… me too.

  5. mark harris says:

    you are truly blessed (and for other reasons too.)

  6. Tired of Hypocrisy says:

    My daughter took me to see it today, too. Really fun.

  7. Jeff Thimsen says:

    To infinity and beyond

  8. Scott K says:

    My kids and wife took me on Saturday. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!

  9. Blue Cat Man says:

    Hope you enjoyed it! Those pixar movies are great. GO MACS!!

  10. Don R says:

    We went for Father’s day, too, and everyone loved it!