In New York an Unlikely alliance opposes no-fault divorce

Opposition to no-fault divorce in New York has united two groups that don’t usually see eye-to-eye: religious advocates opposed to a change that would make divorces easier to obtain, and women’s groups that believe no-fault would enable moneyed husbands — including adulterers and batterers — to dump their spouses unilaterally. A news conference Monday at the Capitol brought the two flanks together.

The Rev. Jason McGuire of New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms said the no-fault measure, which narrowly passed the Senate last week and is now before the Assembly, should be called “the midlife marriage crisis bill” because it would smooth the path for men who want to trade in an aging wife for a “younger, sleeker model.”

Those tending to the women’s-rights side of the argument had harsh words for the principal Senate backers of the bill, including Democrats Ruth Hassell-Thompson, Liz Krueger and Diane Savino. The activists argued that the legislators were either deluded about the “myths” surrounding no-fault or had been bought off for campaign cash from lawyers.

“They took a position quickly and then they were locked into a position politically,” said Monica Getz of the Coalition for Family Justice. “… I could see very well, without ill intention, where Sen. Savino and Sen. Hassell-Thompson would be seduced by the bar associations.”

Read the whole article.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, Law & Legal Issues, Marriage & Family, Politics in General, Religion & Culture, State Government