Living Church: Same-sex Rites Draw $400,000 Grant

The Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music has received a $404,000 grant for its work on gathering and developing rites to bless same-sex couples.

The grant, which is just over 16 times the $25,000 approved by General Convention for developing such blessing rites, will help the SCLM gather comments more thoroughly from across the church.

The money has been granted by the Arcus Foundation, which is based in Kalamazoo, Mich. Arcus describes its mission as achieving “social justice that is inclusive of sexual orientation, gender identity and race, and to ensure conservation and respect of the great apes.”

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Christian Life / Church Life, Episcopal Church (TEC), Liturgy, Music, Worship, Same-sex blessings, Sexuality Debate (in Anglican Communion)

16 comments on “Living Church: Same-sex Rites Draw $400,000 Grant

  1. DTerwilliger says:

    great apes? that is too funny if not disgusting.

  2. tjmcmahon says:

    Wonder how much of the money will end up in the litigation budget?

  3. Scott K says:

    Yet when the IRC gives money it’s nefarious.

  4. driver8 says:

    Blimey one heck of a lot of meetings and publicity that they are funding.

    The Arcus Foundation is a secular LGBT (& great ape conservation) advocacy charity.

    In the 2008 Annual Report they note that they provided funding for the Chicago Consultation to the tune of over $300,000 and awarded $60,000 to Integrity for two half time field organizers. They also granted $20,000 to Dignity USA to support media and advocacy activities in respect of the visit of Benedict XVI to the USA. In 2007 they awarded Integrity $100,000 to influence the outcomes of the 2008 Lambeth Conference and the 2009 General Convention.


    In comparison recall that the entire Evangelism program was eliminated at 815 last year…

  5. Dilbertnomore says:

    Now isn’t that just special!

  6. Jim the Puritan says:

    Just what sort of primates are we talking about here?

  7. orthodoxwill says:

    FYI: Jon L Stryker (Forbes 400, inherited wealth) is the main (only) contributor to The Arcus Foundation. He has given about $200 million to the foundation in the last 4 years. The point: realize reasserters are well financed (as are great apes).

    Source: Arcus’ 990-PF forms found [url=]here[/url].

  8. orthodoxwill says:

    VERY SORRY…”Reappraisers” are well financed!

  9. IowaJay says:

    Arcus gave $250,000 to Lutherans Concerned/North America, one of the groups behind the effort to change ELCA policies at last summer’s assembly.

  10. azusa says:

    #7: I guess he hasn’t got a gal in Kalamazoo….

  11. azusa says:

    “Donor’s background: Mr. Stryker is an architect and heir to the Stryker Corporation fortune. The medical-products company was founded by his grandfather, Homer Stryker, a surgeon who invented the mobile hospital bed.

    Mr. Stryker, 51, gave $34.3-million to the Arcus Foundation, which has offices in Kalamazoo, Mich., and New York. The money will support the foundation’s two grant-making priorities: combating discrimination against gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people, and ensuring the survival of great apes and their habitats.

    Mr. Stryker, who lives in Kalamazoo, established the foundation in 2000 and serves as its president. Since its founding, the organization has made grants totaling approximately $160-million. In December, for example, the foundation awarded $2.1-million to Kalamazoo College to establish the Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership. Mr. Stryker graduated from the college in 1982.”

    #6: too funny! Will Mr Stryker help save gay primates? He sounds like an invention by Iowahawk.

  12. Douglas LeBlanc says:

    I must correct my original lead: The grant goes to the Church Divinity School of the Pacific, which will then use the funds to help the SCLM in its work.

  13. RMBruton says:

    Could this mean that King Kong was really Queen Kong?

  14. Ralph says:

    #6, given the current trajectory, I suppose it’s only a matter of time before the Anglican Communion has to deal with having a homosexual primate.

    #13, what writings we have, as well as tradition, offer no evidence to support your speculation that King Kong was a practicing homosexual. If that were the case, it would appear that he was deeply closeted. Otherwise, he might have captured Carl Denham, rather than Ann Darrow. (Perhaps the next remake will feature that plot twist.)

    There is absolutely no evidence that Kong’s relationship with Miss Darrow was sexual. After all, they weren’t wed in Holy Matrimony. Prehistoric apes have moral values. Well, they used to. It’s possible that the Arcus Foundation is trying to change all that.

  15. driver8 says:

    #12 Yes – they gave over $300,000 to support the work of the Chicago Consultation but none of it went directly to the Consultation itself.

    Same with the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music coming up with the gay marriage liturgy. The grant is going directly to CDSP but to benefit the work on gay marriage being done by an official body of the Episcopal Church.

    Seems an odd way of arranging things. Are there tax or accounting reasons why they might prefer to fund things “indirectly”.

  16. Laura R. says:

    [blockquote] Arcus describes its mission as achieving “social justice that is inclusive of sexual orientation, gender identity and race, and to ensure conservation and respect of the great apes.” [/blockquote]

    Christopher Johnson is right. You can [i] not [/i] make this stuff up!