National League of Cities Report: Job losses for Local Governments projected to approach 500,000

Unemployment in America is a national crisis. It is also a local crisis. As individuals and families struggle to find work, make ends meet, and keep their homes amid an anemic economic recovery, they increasingly turn to local services for support. Local governments provide job training and assistance, transportation, support services for individuals and families in need, health care and education and afterschool programs that support working families. In many communities, local governments are also one of the primary employers….

Read it all (8 page pdf).

Posted in * Economics, Politics, City Government, Economy, Labor/Labor Unions/Labor Market, Politics in General, The Credit Freeze Crisis of Fall 2008/The Recession of 2007--

2 comments on “National League of Cities Report: Job losses for Local Governments projected to approach 500,000

  1. robroy says:

    Local governments go on a diet. It is unfortunate for those affected, but hopefully those displaced will eventually be getting jobs in the private sector contributing rather than putting a drain on the economy.

  2. John Wilkins says:

    Local government can go on a diet. Then people will have less money to spend in private businesses. The private businesses will have to go on a diet as well. They will also spend less. Then other businesses will go out of business and fire more workers.

    There is always the fellow who tells you to “get a job,” but when asked, doesn’t know where any of them are.