ENS Story about today's draft statement now published

[i]Since this story has already been written through once, we’re going to post it in full, so as to have a copy in case of future revisions[/i]

House of Bishops begins to prepare Primates’ Communiqué response
Text in draft form only; final action expected September 25

By Pat McCaughan, September 24, 2007
[Episcopal News Service] Editor’s note: The text is a write-through of a previously posted article.

Solidarity with the disenfranchised guided the discussion September 24 as the House of Bishops began to draft its formal statement to the Episcopal Church and the worldwide Anglican Communion culminating its five-day meeting in New Orleans.

The text is in draft form only and will be finalized and released September 25. The document is expected to serve as a response to the Primates’ Communique.

Bishop Wayne Wright of Delaware, who chaired the writing committee, cautioned that the discussion was a “draft only” and that a final statement would not be released until it had been adopted on September 25 by the bishops. The document itself was withheld and its contents embargoed until it can be finalized.

“This is only a draft,” Wright emphasized. “Tomorrow we will perfect and adopt it and then it will be released.”

During a morning session devoted to reviewing the draft text, bishops suggested strengthening language regarding the incursion of overseas bishops into dioceses other than their own, and dividing the lengthy draft into two separate documents. One text would deal specifically with hurricane relief and the other with the response to the Primates communiqué issued in February.

Bishop Charles Jenkins of Louisiana and numerous others suggested that a statement be developed to highlight the need for justice work in all dioceses on such issues as racism, classism, as well as regards the failed response for hurricane victims. Another document would deal with the response to the February Primates’ Communique.

Bishop Mark Hollingsworth Jr. of Ohio called for “clarity about the lines we draw in our church” so that any “line we draw is not between us but encircles us” to encompass the comprehensiveness of the Church’s convictions.

He went on to cite his struggle with repeated requests to clarify what General Convention has already decided, and that General Convention’s legislative process results in resolutions that are “intentionally ambiguous” in order to include the breadth of those convictions.

He described Resolution B033 as “an honest expression of where the Episcopal Church stands” and urged that “we appreciate the Lambeth subcommittee’s statement of its sufficiency.”

B033 called for the exercise of restraint when consecrating bishops “whose manner of life” presents a challenge to the wider communion.

Bishop J. Jon Bruno of Los Angeles also said that the resolution needs to be clearer “that we’re going to abide by the decisions of General Convention.”

After receiving the initial draft, bishops conferred with one another briefly a their tables. Some bishops then moved to microphones to offer responses frequently interrupted with applause and encouragement.

“This process represents what is best about the Episcopal Church and how our bishops work together, our meetings are open and we work together as colleagues to develop a statement that will express fully our minds and our hearts,” committee chair Wright said.

Bishop Barry Beisner of Northern California called for strengthening of language regarding bishops’ incursions into geographic dioceses other than their own. “General Convention voted for resolution B033 and we stand by what they did,” he told bishops.

After spending a day involved in hurricane rebuilding and recovery efforts, bishops said they were “shocked and outraged” at conditions in New Orleans and Mississippi, including delayed and in some cases nonexistent rebuilding and recovery efforts.

Bishop Dorsey Henderson of Upper South Carolina voiced his own sense of “fury at dishonest contractors’ exploitation” of hurricane victims many of whom two years later still face overwhelming devastation. His remarks were heartily applauded.

— The Rev. Pat McCaughan is senior associate for parish life at St. George’s Church and Academy in Laguna Hills, California. She is also a correspondent for the Diocese of Los Angeles and Episcopal News Service.

[source: http://www.episcopalchurch.org/79901_90404_ENG_HTM.htm]


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Episcopal Church (TEC), Sept07 HoB Meeting, TEC Bishops

8 comments on “ENS Story about today's draft statement now published

  1. Timothy Fountain says:

    LOL Thrice-married-twice-divorced Beisner gets in the animated quote about “boundary crossings.”

  2. Bart Hall (Kansas, USA) says:

    Okay, it’s a draught only and all that … but nevertheless deeply disappointing. What for the numerous references to “classism” and “racism” and “hurricane rebuilding” and “justice” you’d almost think they all want to pretend that the Dar communique is no big deal. An afterthought, really, to be treated as such.

    Disappointing but completely unsurprising. Forty years ago the absolute gold-standard draft avoidance was to enroll in seminary. Leftists did, by the thousands, and many of them are now in leadership positions. We’re seeing their fruit today.

    The Religious Left … self-absorbed, self-important, and willing to use any possible means to impose their views on the church. Iraq, Katrina, Bushitler, command economy, larger government, victim politics …

  3. Bart Hall (Kansas, USA) says:

    Name [i]one[/i] conservative position adopted and promoted by the Episcopal Church.

    Name one liberal position [i]not[/i] adopted by the Episcopal Church.

    The American Hard Left … at prayer. The only question is to whom.

  4. carol says:

    Maybe they ought to take all the money they are spending in litigation and send it to LA and MI for re-building 🙂 I wonder why clicking on smileys doesn’t work. I keyed the above one in. Any suggestions elves?

  5. Timothy Fountain says:

    Carol – MI is Michigan… should be sent to MN (Minnesota)…but then MI’s economy needs a boost…
    Looks like the smiley worked, though!

  6. Sherri says:

    How about sending it to MS instead. 😉

  7. carol says:

    oops sorry meant Mississippi…that is what happens when the brain works slower than the fingers…may I claim a senior moment?
    I am so disappointed in the ABC…why didn’t he clear up the murky waters about DES earlier as he had 6 months and then he gives a milk toast reasoning to boot! I left the ECUSA 3 years ago (after 56 years) and am ready to give up all together…I guess it will depend on what happens between now and the end of the year. I am currently in a church under Recife. But who is Recife really under? I don’t think he is a part of Venerables HOB (that is what I was told) cause he supports WO. Sort of feel like an orphan outside a candy store on a cold snowy winters night looking in at all the other kids, parents and candy. 🙁

  8. Nikolaus says:

    [blockquote]Bishop Dorsey Henderson of Upper South Carolina voiced his own sense of “fury at dishonest contractors’ exploitation” of hurricane victims many of whom two years later still face overwhelming devastation.[/blockquote]

    Let’s try this instead: Bishop Dorsey Henderson of Upper South Carolina voiced his own sense of “fury at dishonest bishops’ exploitation” of the Anglican Communion that [i]four[/i] years later still faces overwhelming devastation.