Sounds and Images and Music: May We Never Forget What Really Happened””Nine Years Ago Today

This video is a long download but an important file to take the time to listen to and watch; I make myself do it every year on this day. There are a few pieces I would have wished to do differently in terms of the choices for specific content, but the actual footage and the music is valuable. Be forewarned that the raw images and sounds of the day are emotionally taxing to try to take in, so one has to be in a prepared state before one begins–KSH.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, History, Terrorism

One comment on “Sounds and Images and Music: May We Never Forget What Really Happened””Nine Years Ago Today

  1. Kendall Harmon says:

    The choice of Enya’s “Only Time” for the music was just brilliant.

    It does me in every time, as does the recording of the woman who calls her husband on the phone and leaves a message in the midst of the tower burning.