Upcoming Episcopal bishop vote in the Diocese of Springfield isn't the final step

[Dan] Martins, in particular, may have difficulty getting consent if he sticks with his conservative views on same-sex unions and [partnered] gay clergy.

All three candidates were pressed on those issues and others, such as women’s ordination, at three question-and-answer sessions last week in Mount Vernon, Decatur and Alton.

But [Christopher “Kip”] Ashmore said he doesn’t think any of the candidates ”” though they follow different movements within the broader Anglican community ”” poses a threat to leading the diocese out of the Episcopal Church.

“All three are committed in their allegiance to the Episcopal Church,” he said.

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Episcopal Church (TEC), TEC Bishops, TEC Diocesan Conventions/Diocesan Councils

11 comments on “Upcoming Episcopal bishop vote in the Diocese of Springfield isn't the final step

  1. Scott K says:

    I can’t imagine a vote to deny consent to Dan Martins that would not expose blatant hypocrisy by the Standing Committee attempting to do so. He has made his loyalty to TEC crystal clear; there cannot be the kind of suspicion that (unfairly) hung on Bishop Lawrence nor have I hear of any hint of impropriety in the election process. Refusing to consent based on his theology of sexuality would clearly violate their claims of inclusivity and diversity.

  2. Capt. Father Warren says:

    Agreed. And your point is?

  3. Scott K says:

    Uh, my point is that the article says it will be difficult for the candidates, especially Dan, to get the required consents. But I think that liberal dioceses will have a hard time justifying a denial. You seem to agree, so I don’t get your question.

  4. Ralph says:

    There would be no basis in Holy Scripture or the Book of Common Prayer…in other words, no official doctrinal basis…to deny consent only on the basis of a candidate’s views on sexual relationships (as stated above) outside of Holy Matrimony, as TEC currently defines Holy Matrimony.

  5. Bookworm(God keep Snarkster) says:

    “Refusing to consent based on his theology of sexuality would clearly violate their claims of inclusivity and diversity”.

    But Scott, you’re assuming that they care about that and how it looks.

    It seems to me that the M.O. to date has been “whatever it takes, for agenda, agenda, agenda”…why consider a little thing like hypocrisy a stumbling block?

  6. Ian+ says:

    Following up Ralph’s (4.) comment to answer Scott K’s (1. & 3.): But since the TEC leadership rejects the ancient teaching of Holy Scripture and the BCP, they may withold consent based on the fiat of the Purple Queen of 815 simply because Fr Dan doesn’t believe what she does.

  7. Rob Eaton+ says:

    Dan Martins would receive majority consent if elected.

  8. Scott K says:

    I think so too.

  9. Sarah says:

    I believe that any of the three will receive majority consent — and Matt Gunter with bells on, of course.

    What fun to see Gunter musing about what a “complex mix” he is and how he’s “not easily pegged as a liberal or a conservative.”

    Of course, he’s easily pegged as a liberal and has been for years. He clearly — *at least in the past* — supported the same-gender sexuality push, only of course, he’d like to remain within the Anglican Communion.

    “I’m fundamentally orthodox when it comes to matters of creed . . . ”

    Yup — [i]when it comes to matters of creed[/i], which is not at all how one gages what “fundamentally orthodox” is in any organization in which certain aspects of ethical, moral, and theological traditional understanding are under assault by the zeitgeist.

    Hopefully the actually fundamentally orthodox in the Diocese of Springfield will see through the sham.

  10. Cennydd13 says:

    8. So do I, but I think he’ll be under close scrutiny by the 815 gang.

  11. BrianInDioSpfd says:

    Please, pray for the Diocese of Springfield today, September 18. The Electing Synod begins with Eucharist at 10:00 a.m. Central Daylight Time and balloting will follow.

    [blockquote]Almighty God, giver of every good gift: Look graciously on your Church, and so guide the minds of those who shall choose a bishop for this Diocese, that we may receive a faithful pastor, who will care for your people and equip us for our ministries; through Jesus Christ our Lord. [i]Amen.[/i] –BCP 818 [/blockquote]