Dallas Area Anglican church celebrates anniversary of being 'planted'

For the Rev. Jed Roseberry, leading a church is more than a calling; it’s a family tradition.

Roseberry “planted” Restoration Anglican Church last year in Addison, a town where he said he felt called to develop friendships and minister. It’s the same call that his father, the Rev. David Roseberry, answered 25 years ago when he, too, planted a church, Christ Church Plano.

Restoration Anglican Church recently celebrated its one-year anniversary.

“For me, it’s a perfect scenario. It’s something that was dear to my heart,” David Roseberry said. “I’m absolutely delighted with the father-son duo. Since I was a church planter 25 years ago, it gives me a lot of joy to see him follow in that.”

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Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Christian Life / Church Life, Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), Parish Ministry