Cardinal Pell slams "open slather" for stem cell research

Cardinal Pell said all members of parliament should reject the cloning of human embryos for experimentation and destruction.

“No Catholic politician, indeed no Christian or person with respect for human life who has properly informed his conscience about the facts and ethics in this area should vote in favour of this immoral legislation,” he said in a statement.

“If this bill is passed, the enemies of human life will soon be back with further proposals, disguised with sweet words and promises of cures, to roll back the few remaining barriers to the regular destruction of early human life.”

Cardinal Pell said NSW should not simply follow the commonwealth’s lead in overturning the therapeutic cloning ban.

“The Catholic Church in NSW, through grants and through its hospitals and research institutes, is a promoter of ethical stem cell research on adult and umbilical cord stem cells,” he said.

“But allowing scientists open slather on human embryos for unethical research is not the best way forward.”

Read it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * International News & Commentary, * Religion News & Commentary, Australia / NZ, Life Ethics, Other Churches, Religion & Culture, Roman Catholic, Science & Technology

One comment on “Cardinal Pell slams "open slather" for stem cell research

  1. deaconjohn25 says:

    Treating human life like it is some sort of inanimate piece of machinery used to be a favorite of intellectual and media types in science fiction and horror “DR. Frankenstein” stories only a decade or two ago. Now the “Culture of Death” has made us all into disposable inanimate objects and those who used to validly warn us of the consequences have, for the most part, joined the brigade of those who denigrate and degrade the sacredness of human life. I have diabetes, but have had 64 good years. Now a cure for diabetes is one of the rationales for denying birth to already existing human life. For what??? So old fogies can greedily, selfishly live an extra year or two or three, while another life isn’t even allowed to breathe fresh air even once. Let’s face it–in the name of progress the Nazis have finally begun to win WWII.