From the Newfoundland Telegram: Bishop Don Harvey and Anglican Angst

Retired bishop Don Harvey agrees his religious convictions are stronger than they’ve ever been.

In fact, Harvey says they’re so strong he’s prepared to lead some Canadian Anglicans away from the national church, in which he’s worshipped and served as a clerical leader for decades, if it continues to steer away from the gospel.

Harvey, who retired as the bishop for the Anglican Diocese of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador (Avalon and Labrador) three years ago, is a well-known orthodox Anglican senior in St. John’s who has been the subject of debate by active bishops, some concerned over his activities within the Anglican community.

In particular, he’s been vocal over the issue of same-sex union blessings in the church. In 2002, the Diocese of New Westminster in B.C. tacitly condoned the ceremonies with its parishes. Meanwhile, the national hierarchy voted that such blessings did not conflict with doctrines of the church.

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Church of Canada, Anglican Provinces, Same-sex blessings, Sexuality Debate (in Anglican Communion)

4 comments on “From the Newfoundland Telegram: Bishop Don Harvey and Anglican Angst

  1. Dale Rye says:

    Newfoundland (and Labrador) did not join the Canadian confederation in 1867, but remained a separate nation (at times with full Dominion status) until 1949. Sounds like they remain pretty independent up there!

  2. Dale Rye says:

    The response of the Council of General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada is [url=]available online.[/url]

  3. MargaretG says:

    I notice the Council of the General Synod is hoping for the Archbishop of Canterbury’s support ie
    “We call upon the Archbishop of Canterbury to make clear that such actions are not a valid expression of Anglicanism and are in contravention of the ancient and continuing traditions of the Church.”

    It seems that this call has fallen on the same silence as every other call. At least the man is consistent in his silence.

  4. farstrider+ says:

    [i]“We call upon the Archbishop of Canterbury to make clear that such actions are not a valid expression of Anglicanism and are in contravention of the ancient and continuing traditions of the Church.” [/i]

    One wonders if the authors have any sense of the incredible irony in making such a call. Not a “valid expression of Anglicanism… Contravention of the ancient and continuing traditions of the Church.”??? Invoke pagan gods in your synods, you’re in line with the ancient faith; deny the uniqueness of Christ, you’re in line; call that which is evil good and that which is good evil, you’re in. Break faith with the Anglican expression of the one, holy, Catholic and apostolic Church around the world, you’re in. Tamper with an apostate lordling of a bishop’s jurisdiction…. you’re out.