Bishop of Bolivia Called as Assistant Bishop for the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh

Bishop Frank Lyons has been called by Archbishop Robert Duncan, and with unanimous support from the Standing Committee, to serve as Assistant Bishop in the Diocese of Pittsburgh. As Assistant Bishop, Lyons will assist with pastoral care and oversight to clergy and congregations in the Diocese of Pittsburgh during Archbishop Duncan’s tenure as archbishop. Bishop Lyons will also exercise a special superintendence of diocesan congregations located beyond the Pittsburgh area.

“We are delighted to welcome Bishop Frank and his wife, Shawnee, to the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh. Bishop Frank is a highly capable leader who brings with him a wealth of experience. I am confident that he will provide the support our clergy and congregations need during this amazing period in our life together as a diocese,” said Archbishop Duncan.

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * International News & Commentary, Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), Bolivia, Episcopal Church (TEC), South America, TEC Conflicts, TEC Conflicts: Pittsburgh

2 comments on “Bishop of Bolivia Called as Assistant Bishop for the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh

  1. MichaelA says:

    That a pretty experienced choice for assistant bishop.

    This is all good for ACNA because it keeps the process of practical communion flowing. Names like “the Anglican Communion” are of limited relevance unless they are backed up by actual communion. One of the aspects of practical communion is exchange of clergy and bishops.

    Its also part of the process of ACNA learning to act as a province – there is a lot of “institutional knowledge” that has to be built up.

  2. Eugene says:

    Are not John Rogers and David Bena also Bishops in that Diocese? They are not listed but I have not seen any info on their departure?

    Anyone from Pittsburgh ACNA know?