Archbishop Eliud Wabukala Chairman’s keynote address–A Global communion for the 21st century

In the space of a week we, though from many and varied cultural contexts, were able to agree and receive with great joy and celebration a clear statement of Anglican Identity in the form of the Jerusalem Declaration. We rejoiced that through the Holy Spirit the Lord had given us such unity in the truth and we knew that God was setting us free or a clear and confident witness to Jesus Christ in a way that was simply not imaginable through the traditional channels.

At Lambeth Conference, which many felt unable in conscience to attend, it was a different story. Much talking and conversation, but no shared mind and no attempt to resolve the substance of the fundamental doctrinal and ethical differences which have been so destructive to our unity. At Lambeth there was a loss of nerve and nothing more than conversation, at Jerusalem we boldly reaffirmed our confidence in the faith we confess. There we recovered our genuinely Anglican identity and in the Jerusalem Declaration set out a coherent framework for global witness in the twenty-first century. The Jerusalem Statement, the preamble to the Declaration, clearly sets out Anglican identity.

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Church of Kenya, Anglican Provinces, Global South Churches & Primates

4 comments on “Archbishop Eliud Wabukala Chairman’s keynote address–A Global communion for the 21st century

  1. Karen B. says:

    I’m so glad it’s Eastertide and not Lent, so I can write HALLELUJAH!

    What a wonderful address, like a deep draught of living water to one in a dry and thirsty land.

    I could perhaps comment at length, but it is WAY too late in my time zone, so for tonight I will just say, this “rejoiced my heart” on VERY many levels.

  2. MichaelA says:

    Amen, this is strong and godly leadership.

  3. Br. Michael says:

    A breath of fresh air.

  4. New Reformation Advocate says:

    Agreed. This is inspiring stuff. This is apostolic leadership.

    In particular, I loved how ++Wabukala kept returning to Micah 6:8, and the call to DO the right things (acting justly, loving mercy, walking humbly with God), and not just to think or pray the right way. The stark contrast between what GAFCON was able to accomplish in 2008 and the inability of the hamstrung Lambeth Conference to accomplish anything illustrates the commitment of these orthodox Anglican leaders to do more than just talk. They plan to act, which is most refreshing.

    Two highlights from this vision-casting speech that especially struck me forcefully were these profoundly significant statements:

    Affirming that neither Anglos nor Africans have a monopoloy on understanding the implications of the Gospel, ++Wabukala declared rightly that,
    “[i]…the word (of God), which is God’s truth for all cultures and all times is not the privilege(d) possession of any culture and (a) global gathering such as this has a potential to open new perspectives on the unsearchable riches of Christ.[/i]”

    Amen. Well said. The G in GAFCON is so important. Ours is a GLOBAL fellowship, and the days when Englishmen or Americans could dominate Anglicanism are thankfully over.

    Second, as a would-be theologian, educator, and writer, I loved and was thrilled to see his strong endorsement of the role of theological scholarship and training in our FCA movement. In the 3rd of his 4 basic reminders at the end, the Kenyan primate aptly noted:
    “[i]We must resist the temptation to be theologically lazy. Our aim of a renewed, reformed Anglican Communion will not be sustained if we are unwilling to support and encourage those who are gifted to do the training and the theological heavy lifting so essential to give depth and penetration to our vision…[/i]”

    Amen. to that. And since Kendall is unlikely to toot his own horn, I’ll do it for him. Genuine theologians like Kendall who have a passion to communicate more of “the unsearchable riches of Christ” to ordinary clergy and laypeople, and to equip them better for ministry thereby, have a key role in the rebirth of biblical Anglicanism in our time.

    David Handy+