British Justice minister warned over anti-gay speech

THE BISHOP of Liverpool has challenged the necessity of the proposed amendment to the Criminal Justice and Immigration Bill criminalising anti-gay speech. Speaking in the House of Lords on Nov 12, Bishop James Jones stated that current laws were sufficient to deal with problems of homophobic behavior.

Last month the Justice Secretary, Jack Straw (pictured), announced plans to amend the Criminal Justice Bill, extending the protections against hate speech provided to religious and racial groups to homosexuals.

Bishop Jones told Parliament that while it was ”˜essential to protect vulnerable groups in society from malicious and harmful attacks,’ it must also be asked ”˜whether the existing public order law is being enforced effectively and equitably before introducing new offences.’

“As we found in the debates on incitement to religious hatred, the offence of incitement brings all kinds of uncertainties about the boundaries of acceptable speech and behaviour. Any new offence will have to balance protection against freedom of expression, so that hateful and inflammatory behaviour towards particular groups is distinguished from controversial argument, for example, about sexual ethics,” Bishop Jones said.

Read the whole article.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Culture-Watch, * International News & Commentary, Anglican Provinces, Church of England (CoE), CoE Bishops, England / UK, Law & Legal Issues, Religion & Culture

2 comments on “British Justice minister warned over anti-gay speech

  1. Jeffersonian says:

    I fear that the Bishop, in his zeal to appear reasonable, has resolved to concede the principle while quibbling over the details.

  2. Christopher Hathaway says:

    Aside from the obvious fact that Britain is descending into Orwellian madness, this headline made no sense whatever.