(SMH) Call for free abortions as needy women priced out of procedure

Growing numbers of women in desperate financial straits cannot afford abortions, say women’s health advocates who are running out of funds to help them. They say women on Centrelink benefits cannot afford fees at private abortion clinics, and public hospitals must play a bigger role in providing a free service.

”Women who are really poor are finding it hard to get bulk-billed abortion services,” said Denele Crozier, the executive officer of Women’s Health NSW, the peak body for women’s community health centres. ”Either public hospitals must provide an abortion service or governments must further subsidise poor women to use the free-standing clinics.”

Women receive a Medicare rebate for terminations but out-of-pocket costs are high for many.

Read it all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, * International News & Commentary, Australia / NZ, Children, Health & Medicine, Law & Legal Issues, Life Ethics, Women

5 comments on “(SMH) Call for free abortions as needy women priced out of procedure

  1. Ad Orientem says:

    More liberal doubletalk. What is really being called for here are taxpayer funded infanticide. Nothing is free. The only question is who is paying for it.

  2. Br. Michael says:

    Just add “free” abortion to “free” contraceptives in Obamacare and you have it. It’s just a tax and we know that conscience is just something to be trampled on.

  3. drummie says:

    Tell them to call KJS at TEC, she can solve all those “women’s preventative health” issues. What with all the money she has at her disposal to sue people, she can surely spare a few dollars to promote murder of the unborn, remember, “Its a blessing and we need more of it.”

  4. Milton says:

    If hiring a hit man for a murder is not free, why should abortion (ghastly that elective abortion is even legal) be free?

  5. brian_in_brooklyn says:

    Why are Obamacare, the Presiding Bishop, and the Episcopal Church even mentioned in these comments? This article is from New South Wales, people, in Australia.

    It might help to read the article before commenting.