Phil Ashey–Update from ACC [Anglican Consultative Council]-15

While there is much to commend in this message on the extravagant love of God, the world’s desperate need to know this love and our need to share his love with the world, the message was confusing. Was the Archbishop of Canterbury suggesting that everyone will be saved by the mysterious love of God which embraces all from the beginning? Would this not be offensive to those who reject Jesus Christ and his way, to be co-opted against their will? And how does this square with our identity as Anglican followers of Jesus Christ, who in the same Gospel of John makes it clear that he alone is the way, the truth and the life and that salvation is through Him alone? (John 14:6)

Currently, the work of the Anglican Communion appears to be driven by a new, non-Biblical global ethic that focuses on the needs of communities rather than the person and power of Jesus Christ. As I have written recently, the work of the Anglican Alliance on economic empowerment continues to focus on the secular development of skills for “inclusion,” “consultation and governance,” “protection of vulnerable people,” and “principles of financial planning”– all from their report today, all very worthy efforts and all utterly lacking in any Biblical and universal truths rooted in the person and power of Jesus Christ.

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, --Rowan Williams, Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia, Anglican Consultative Council, Anglican Covenant, Anglican Provinces, Archbishop of Canterbury, Christology, Church of England (CoE), Theology

One comment on “Phil Ashey–Update from ACC [Anglican Consultative Council]-15

  1. CharlietheCook says:

    Too much love, not enough money-changers’ tables being overturned and people being reminded that hell is a very real place. Everything is being brokered in on the principle of “love” and that Jesus is “pure love” (blech, blech, and more blech).

    I think Jesus was more about “tough love” than walking around with a posey in one hand and a sonnet in the other.

    Elves, please don’t delete this post. Thank you!