In Pictures–Epiphany 2013 at the Parish where I serve

Check it out (top of page 2).


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Christian Life / Church Life, * South Carolina, Church Year / Liturgical Seasons, Epiphany, Parish Ministry

One comment on “In Pictures–Epiphany 2013 at the Parish where I serve

  1. Luke says:

    Of course this is not related to The Epiphany as in the headline, but I am intrigued, after 60+ years of seeing parishioners asked to put forth names, either their own, or those of others willing to serve, as vestry candidates to read this in the newsletter: [i]Again this year the nominating committee has prayerfully discerned three nominees for Vestry. We have found this method to be a very Godly and affirming way of discerning our leadership. This helps avoid having winners and losers, [b]which frequently results in hurt feelings.[/b] …the discernment is particularly important and members of the vestry have been “wrestling” in prayer about those to be nominated.[/i]

    So – how is the nominating committee selected? From the last portion of the quote, there is a sort of an implication that the nominating committee either is chosen by the vestry, or consists of vestry members.

    I am in no way commenting on the process, but curiosity leads me to ask if the nominating committee IS either chosen by the vestry or consists of vestry members, does this process approach constituting a self-perpetuating vestry?

    In small parishes where volunteers are almost always solicited to stand for election to the vestry I have seen non-winners be both very disappointed and very relieved following a vestry election vote.

    There is every chance I may have misunderstood what I read.