The Latest South Carolina Poll Numbers

Check it out. On Intrade, John McCain was in the 30’s earlier, but is now up to 53. The weather here–cold and very rainy–is unfortunately going to impact voter turnout. It is snowing in some parts of the upstate also.


Posted in * Economics, Politics, * South Carolina, US Presidential Election 2008

3 comments on “The Latest South Carolina Poll Numbers

  1. Susan Russell says:

    So when’s the Democratic primary in South Carolina? I must have missed a meeting, but I was surprised to turn my attention from Nevada to South Carolina and find it’s just a one party deal. What gives?

  2. Kendall Harmon says:

    Susan, the SC Democratic primary is next Saturday. The primaries are run by the parties, not by the state. Independents can vote in either primary, but only one–that is the only requirement.

  3. bob carlton says:

    Looks like the GOP will play Anybody But McCain games.