Valerie Strauss–A Washington's Birthday quiz on the office of President

Read it all and see how you do.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, History, Office of the President, Politics in General

One comment on “Valerie Strauss–A Washington's Birthday quiz on the office of President

  1. David Keller says:

    The only one I missed was Washington’s original salary. However, #1 and #9 are technically trick questions. The answer to #1 admits it was not technically correct. As for #9 the WH was burned in 1814 and about 25% of the limestone exterior had to be replaced and all of the interior. Madison moved back in in 1817, but reconstruction wasn’t completed until 1829. Also, Truman completely gutted the WH in 1949, so the answer could be Adams, Madison, Jackson or Truman. Also, I just found out recently that the fife and drums of the Old Guard, play “Yankee Doodle” for all visiting heads of state except The Queen/King and PM of Great Britian so as not to offend them, even though they’re the ones who burned the place down!