Archbishop Peter Jensen's Address to his Standing Commitee about the Lambeth 2008 Decision

The decision of our Bishops not to attend the Lambeth Conference in 2008 is the culmination of ten years of thought, prayer and action. We have played our part in challenging false teaching and practice, always hoping that those who have flouted the strong position taken by the last Lambeth Conference would turn back in repentance. As part of this, we have developed strong fellowship links with the many Anglican christians all over the world who feel as we do that the crisis over human sexuality is of momentous significance, and who are determined not to accept unbiblical teaching and sinful practice.

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Church of Australia, Anglican Provinces, Lambeth 2008

7 comments on “Archbishop Peter Jensen's Address to his Standing Commitee about the Lambeth 2008 Decision

  1. sophy0075 says:

    Praise God for thoughtful leaders such as Archbishop Jensen. My only fear is that the unbiblical attendees of Lambeth will seek to adopt still more unbiblical stances, and there will be no voices to oppose them at the conference.

    What a sad and sorry way for the AC to unravel.

  2. David+ says:

    #1: Sadly this seems to be the way the Archbishop of Canterbury wants it to be. In that case, so be it. And may a vibrant, missionary second Anglican Communion spring forth to take the place of the old one.

  3. selah says:


    “The Missionary Anglican Communion.” Has a nice ring to it.

  4. Grandmother says:

    #3, and hopefully it will someday be a “BIG” MAC…

  5. stevenanderson says:

    The unbiblicals among us have it there way no matter what happens. If a majority rules against them they simply do what they please (often signing the very documents they immediatly ignore). If they have the majority vote, they do what they please still. It has been so for over 30 years. Why would we expect it to change with this current crop ? And keep in mind that our allowing those techniques to succeed over those 30 years is in part to blame for the disasters all around us today. Wake up and learn how they play the game.

  6. azusa says:

    #5: Sadly, you are right. Traditional, orthodox Anglican believers are urged (by Radner etc) to go along with the heterodox who have no intention of keping their word – rather like a counselor urging a wife to stick with a serially unfaithful husband who has no intention of keeping his vows.
    And RW has never seriously used his office to call the errant to account, but has instead subverted the process by temporizing and backdoor methods.

  7. rugbyplayingpriest says:

    but alas- I have a huge worry should the two walk apart. Evidence seems to dictate that the emerging church will be purely driven by the homosexual issue- and not seek to do anything about the ordination of women etc…different outcomes of the same malais. (an inability to be faithful to scripture, reason and tradition)

    A very real danger emerges that the new body will begin with the cancer already carried accross. And thus will only fracture again in due course. Whilst this is the case Anglicanism is dead in the water.