A lot more Photographs from Mere Anglicanism 2015 available

The photo here is of all this year’s speakers along with hosting bishop Mark Lawrence, second from the right, and the Rev. Jeff Miller, furthest right, conference organizer. The speakers in order from the left are: Alister McGrath, Os Guinness, Tom Wright, Ross Douthat, Mary Eberstadt and Michael Nazir-Ali.

Check them all out courtesy of Joy Hunter, and please note there is a slideshow option (above the top lefthandmost picture).


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * General Interest, * Religion News & Commentary, * South Carolina, Other Faiths, Photos/Photography, Secularism, Theology

One comment on “A lot more Photographs from Mere Anglicanism 2015 available

  1. MichaelA says:

    Os Guiness still looks like John Cleese!