CofE General Synod 10th to 13th July 2015 Links

The July General Synod has now ended – reports and audio recordings for each session are being updated below.

Monday Afternoon July 13th
Report on Monday Afternoon Business and [Audio]
Press release: General Synod welcomes climate change policy
– Climate Change and Investment Policy (GS 2004)
– Farewells, Prorogation and Dissolution

Monday Morning July 13th
Report on Monday Morning Business and [Audio]
Press release: Urgent action needed on climate change urges Synod
Order Paper of Business for Monday
– Small indaba group work on ‘The Environment’
– Combatting Climate Change: The Paris Summit and the Mission of the Church (GS 2003) – [The Bishop of Salisbury wanted the Church to ‘fast for climate justice on the first day of each month’ – by amendment Synod rejected this by 160 for, 147 against and 13 abstentions – moving on, the Bishop of Sheffield wants climate justice to be included as essential to Christian formation and catechesis – Main motion on climate change as amended carried 305 for, 6 against and 4 abstentions – Synod went to lunch.]

Sunday Afternoon July 12th
Report on Sunday Afternoon Business [Audio]
Order Paper of Business for Sunday
– Christian Initiation: Additional Texts for Holy Baptism in Accessible Language (GS 1958B and 1958X) – [Dumbed down version removing reference to the Devil and replacing the resurrection of Christ to life “raised your son to life” with the apparently more accessible “Jesus, who has passed through the deep waters of death and opened for all the way of salvation”. Voting on additional baptismal texts passed by 2/3 majority by orders – Bishops: for 23 against 1 abstentions 1; Clergy for 114 against 6 abstentions 5; Laity for 126 against 10 abstained 6]
– 51st Report of the Standing Orders Committee (GS 1991) Proposed text of the Standing Orders (GS 2000)
– Legislation – Administration of Holy Communion Regulations (GS 1992) ”“ Final Approval
– Leeds Diocesan Synod Motion: Nature and Structure of the Church of England – National Debate (GS 1928A and GS 1928C)
– Presentation by the Committee for Minority Ethnic Anglican Concerns – [Press Release: Church should reflect reality of multi-cultural society]
– Presentation: Introduction to Group Work and Bible Study on the Environment
– Financial Business: The Archbishops’ Council Budget and Proposals for Apportionment for 2016 (GS 2002) [Audio]

Saturday Afternoon July 11th
Report on Saturday Afternoon Business
[Afternoon Audio] and [Evening Audio]
Order Paper II – Saturday business
– Farewells [to the former Bishop of Gloucester Michael Perham by the Archbishop of Canterbury “no secret that Michael was on the Crown Nominations one sense or another, I owe him something”]
– Private Members’ Motion from Canon Simon Killwick on Senior Leadership [passed as amended] (GS 1999A AND GS 1999B)
[Probably the most interesting and contentious debate of the day – see:
– – this background note from Canon Chris Sugden;
– – Blurb from the CofE
– – the full report is at GS 1999B here]

– The Church: Towards a Common Vision: Report from the World Council of Churches (GS 1986A)
Church Commissioners’ Report and Archbishops’ Council’s Report [GS 2001]

Saturday Morning July 11th
Report on Saturday Morning Business – [Legislation: Safeguarding, Terms of Service, Diocesan Stipendiary Funds and Faculties to do works to churches]
Synod gives final approval for Safeguarding legislation
[Audio Awaited]

Friday Afternoon July 10th
Report on Friday Afternoon Business[Part Audio]
– Welcome to Anglican and Ecumenical Guests
Address by Archbishop of Uppsala Dr Antje Jackelén [Audio] [Pro-gay activist from liberal Church of Sweden which in 2009 consecrated a partnered lesbian as Bishop of Stockholm]
– Archbishop of York’s Presidential Address [Audio]
– Report by the Business Committee (GS 1988)
– Appointment to the Archbishops’ Council (GS 1989)
– Appointment of Secretary General (GS 1990)
– 51st Report of the Standing Orders Committee (GS 1991) [and GS 2000 – Consolidated Texts of the Standing Order (further information: STV regs as to be amended, Table of Consolidated Origins and Table of Consolidated Destination)] [voting and meeting arrangements]
– Legislative Business [Holy Communion and enabling distribution of Holy Communion by lay communicants including children]
– – 500 Amending Canon No. 35 (GS 1964D) – Canon for Enactment
– – 501 Administration of Holy Communion Regulations (GS 1992 and GS 1992x Explanatory Memorandum) – Preliminary Consideration
– Presentation on behalf of the Ethical Investment Advisory Group and the National Investing Bodies
– Questions and Answers – Booklet and Supplementary Questions and Answers [Audio]
â–  Press release about Agenda
â–  Timetable
â–  Full Daily Agenda and Timetable
â–  Brief Agenda and Papers
â–  Live Video Feed when in session or listen here for prior recordings
â–  Twitter: #synod and it may be worth following: CofE Official Synod tweets; and @C_of_E if interested.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Provinces, Church of England (CoE)

2 comments on “CofE General Synod 10th to 13th July 2015 Links

  1. sophy0075 says:

    I think I would rather wear a hair shirt than sit through this.

  2. MichaelA says:

    It does rather come across as changing deck chairs on the Titanic.

    Not that the CofE is going to vanish, but it is in trouble, demographically and financially. And neither its leaders nor their strongest critics within the Church have any real idea how to turn it around.