Kendall Harmon–Throttling the Blog Way Back for a needed break from now to August's end 2015

This is our second break for the summer–I know you understand. Posts will be catch as catch can but there will be updates so do check back. I am seriously considering an occasional open thread on an edifying subject so if you have suggestions for such threads please post in the comments below. Suggestions for any general thread discussions are welcome–the summer reading thread in July was a huge success. Many thanks–KSH.

Posted in * By Kendall, * Culture-Watch, Blogging & the Internet

2 comments on “Kendall Harmon–Throttling the Blog Way Back for a needed break from now to August's end 2015

  1. Ross Gill says:

    How about one where people comment on how they are using that new DVD based 8 session course ‘Discussing Mere Christianity’? I just obtained a copy of the DVD and study guide and I’m planning to review it this week before using it hopefully sometime this autumn.

  2. The_Elves says:

    #1 Thanks Ross Gill – there is now a general thread here broad enough we hope if you wish to start the discussion.