Diocese of Quincy gears up for fight with The Episcopal Church

[Jan] Nunley said [David Booth] Beers, who declined to be interviewed, wasn’t threatening legal action. But Wicks Stephens, chancellor of the Pittsburgh-based Anglican Communion Network, of which Quincy is a member, isn’t convinced.

“What we’re seeing is an attempt on the part of The Episcopal Church, and now acting through the executive council, to simply issue intimidating language and threats in areas in which they have no authority,” Stephens said. “They’re after us because we reserve the right not to follow their unbiblical actions.”

Nor was the Rev. John Spencer, the president of Quincy’s standing committee, persuaded by Nunley’s reassurance.

“It’s just one more example of the sort of placating talk that we hear from the national leadership,” said Spencer, vicar of St. Francis Church in Dunlap. “They continually talk about reconciliation and trying to build bridges and so forth, but in my opinion this was another example of a heavy-handed tactic. ‘Submit or there will be legal consequences for you.’ ”

The church’s demands – or suggestions or threats, depending on whom you’re talking to – startedabout a year ago, Spencer said.

He said Beers sent a letter to Quincy and other dioceses telling them that if certain parts of their constitutions weren’t changed promptly, the presiding bishop would have to decide what action to take.

“It was sort of a veiled threat,” Spencer said. “It was a clear statement that we needed to change the constitution in order to conform to the language that they said it needed to have.”

Read it all.

Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Culture-Watch, Episcopal Church (TEC), Law & Legal Issues, TEC Conflicts

5 comments on “Diocese of Quincy gears up for fight with The Episcopal Church

  1. Tom Roberts says:


    As some day it may happen that a victim must be found,
    I’ve got a little list–I’ve got a little list
    Of society offenders who might well be underground,
    And who never would be missed–who never would be missed!

    – The Mikado, William S. Gilbert

  2. Newbie Anglican says:

    Nunley said Beers, who declined to be interviewed, wasn’t threatening legal action.
    Sorry, I fell off my chair laughing.

  3. dwstroudmd+ says:

    Newspeak or lawyerspeak, either way Beers doesn’t do English very well.

  4. Barry says:

    To believe Beers one must many more six packs of de beers :smirk:

  5. Barry says:

    To believe Beers one must HAVE many more six packs of de beers. Musta haved to many already…….!