NPR: Does Jeremiah Wright Speak for All Black Churches?

[The Rev. Graylan] Hagler says given the government’s past actions ”“ for example, withholding penicillin from blacks afflicted with syphilis in Tuskegee, Ala. ”“ many African Americans do believe the U.S. government developed the HIV virus to kill people of color, as Rev. Wright has asserted.

Hagler says he supports Obama. But he says if Wright’s statements harm Obama’s bid to become the first African American with a shot at the presidency, “chips fall where they may. As every preacher will tell you, the thing they’re accountable to is God Almighty.”

But Bishop Harry Jackson of Hope Christian Church in Beltsville, Md., has another take on Obama’s pastor.

“Jeremiah Wright is not mainstream,” Jackson says.

Jackson leads a Pentecostal church, which focuses on self-improvement and helping people join the middle class. And while the church cares for the poor, it has little theologically in common with the Rev. Wright’s focus on injustice and oppression.

“He doesn’t represent the majority,” Jackson says. “My guess is maybe 25 percent of black pastors may hold that view. So you’ve got a gifted communicator with what I would call a flawed world view.”

Read or listen to it all.

Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Economics, Politics, * Religion News & Commentary, Other Churches, Religion & Culture, US Presidential Election 2008

One comment on “NPR: Does Jeremiah Wright Speak for All Black Churches?

  1. Sick & Tired of Nuance says:

    “…many African Americans do believe the U.S. government developed the HIV virus to kill people of color…”

    It wasn’t the U.S. government. I was the World Health Organization. They were experimenting with suppressing T-cell function back in the 70’s…about the same time the WHO was engaged in the smallpox eradication program. The epidemiology of the disease conforms with the WHO’s smallpox eradication and with the Hepatitis B inoculations in N.Y.

    Why would they do that? Maybe they bought into the ideas of a book call The Population Bomb (1968), written by Paul R. Ehrlich. Maybe they were influenced by the folks that did the Georgia Guide stones [].
    Maybe they were socialist eugenicists, like Margaret Sanger.

    Who knows?

    [Taking off tinfoil hat…]

    I don’t know the origin of HIV. I do know that people who are chaste [celibate outside marriage, faithful in marriage] and not involved in drugs are VERY unlikely to get this disease. If we followed the dictates of Scripture…HIV would pretty much go away. I am sorry that it is causing so much pain and suffering and that so many innocent children are being hurt by the “adults” that can’t be chaste. Children with HIV didn’t ask for it. They were born with it or it was passed to them in their mother’s milk. We should do what we can to help them…but those efforts should be from private funding, not from taxes. There is no constitutional authority to take our tax money and give it to people in another country.

    [Getting down from soap box…]

    This is all so sad.